Example sentences of "[vb -s] [art] [adj] introduction to " in BNC.

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1 Most of the papers referred to in the present chapter are collected in Pappas and Swain ( 1978 ) , which also contains an analytical introduction to the area .
2 It offers a simple introduction to many subjects
3 The Foundation One course , held over two weekends , covers the nutritional principles of vegetarian cooking and offers a thorough introduction to wholefood ingredients .
4 Without so much as one cartoon , Valentine offers a brisk introduction to such perennials as the role of introspection , free will , the relation of psychology to physiology and some newer ‘ big questions ’ , such as the role of humanistic psychology and computers in studying behaviour .
5 I seem to remember an American thesis writer who crashed to the ground over this contorted problem , and I am sure that both Worsley and Sir John Summerson ( who contributes an elegant introduction to Mansbridge 's book ) would concur that mystery still surrounds the problem of Nash the draughtsman .
6 Part 1 is a weekend course of illustrated lectures and a practical pool session that presents a broad-based introduction to the subject .
7 The unit gives a broad introduction to issues and problems which are treated in more detail in the second and final years .
8 Islamic History 1 gives a general introduction to medieval Islamic civilisation , and Modern Middle Eastern History 1 deals with the history of the Islamic Middle East since the mid-eighteenth century .
9 It gives a useful introduction to the subject and via the bibliography the reader will be able to gain entry into the specialist literature .
10 It does not provide a comprehensive explanation of every facility offered but rather gives a brief introduction to the most commonly used methods involved in the financial side of exporting .
11 This paper gives a brief introduction to the scope and development of the Text Encoding Initiative 's Recommendations , published in July 1993 .
12 The book gives a basic introduction to Russia 's best-known dishes , with recipes gathered from family and friends across the whole country and all illustrated in full colour .
13 The text is short and general , but it gives a fair introduction to the subject .
14 Hearmon 's ( 1961 ) book gives an admirable introduction to anisotropic elasticity , while rubber elasticity is treated from the practical point of view in Treloar 91975 ) .
15 The unkind letter he refers to gives an informed introduction to their subsequent life together and is here given in full with its immediate predecessor .
16 With 30 different works spread between the two discs , this set makes a first-rate introduction to early Spanish music ; sacred and secular works rub shoulders , showing the definite cross-influences of courtly song on religious music , a fine example of which is provided by Francisco de Penalosa 's dramatic Magnificat setting ( Disc 1 , track 3 ) .
17 The first part ( Sections 1–3 ) provides a general introduction to LIFESPAN concepts and facilities .
18 Thomas ( 1984 ) provides a good introduction to the research literature relevant to business strategy .
19 It provides a useful introduction to a unique institution .
20 A related example , which provides a useful introduction to a more detailed look at the complaints levelled at our own practices , frequently surfaces in the national Press .
21 This chapter provides a brief introduction to the financing of construction projects .
22 Their debut album provides a fine introduction to a pair who avoid grand production techniques , preferring clear vocals , a good tune and simple accompaniments .
23 The existence of such traps provides a convenient introduction to the case underlying negative income tax and similar proposals .
24 Assuming some knowledge of the living world it deals with ‘ trophic , competitive and environmental interactions … ’ with a strong , some what colloquial story line which provides an enticing introduction to marine ecology .
25 The new Jewellery Quarter Discovery Centre provides an excellent introduction to this unique area , its craft and people .
26 This book provides an excellent introduction to the science and politics of fusion .
27 When students pick up a BOOKWORM they know that they will rapidly become immersed in an enjoyable , skilfully-written story which provides an excellent introduction to real reading in English .
28 Technical though the argument is , it provides an excellent introduction to 18th-century engraving methods and the music printing trade in general .
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