Example sentences of "[vb -s] [verb] support [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In addition to national research council funding for individual country participation , the EUROCOMP comparative project has received support from the Council of Europe , the European Science Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation .
2 Wall Street has been hitting new peaks this week too , which has given support to the London market ( and even Japan 's Nikkei index , in a typically erratic period , has gained nearly 800 points while London added its 245 ) but London has real strengths of its own .
3 AFTER a week mulling over Budget proposals for offshore tax reform , British Petroleum has given support to the Chancellor 's moves to encourage more efficient oil and gas production .
4 Despite all this , Amnesty has attracted support from the more discerning companies .
5 Does not the hon. Gentleman recognise that opinion poll after opinion poll in Scotland has shown support for the quest of the Scottish Constitutional Convention for a Scottish Parliament ?
6 The organisation has garnered support from the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency and National Science Foundation in the US and from the Esprit project run by the European Commission .
7 The organisation has garnered support from the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency and National Science Foundation in the US and from the Esprit project run by the European Commission .
8 can I just just pursue that you said said so the if you embarked on another scenario , and you said that the only way in which extra over , that beyond the figure proposed by the County Council , would be by way of a new settlement , I 'm sort of transgressing my own ground rules here , I know that Ryedale has expressed support for the principle of a new settlement , are you saying that you would be looking for a new settlement , possibly in Ryedale ?
9 While environmental groups have over the years been highly critical of pollution caused by coal-fired power stations , in particular the levels of emissions of sulphur dioxide and other gases that cause acid rain , neither Friends of the Earth nor Greenpeace nor other groups has expressed support for the scaling down of the coal industry along the lines proposed by the government .
10 The National Heritage Minister , David Mellor , has expressed support for the project , along with surviving codebreakers .
11 Though his eyes are mainly on the lucrative US Seniors Tour , Jacklin also plans to lend support to the more recently established European Seniors circuit .
12 Fama and MacBeth also found that the intercept ( ) was significantly different from the risk free rate for the entire period and for the first of the sub-periods , which tends to lend support to the zero-beta version of the CAPM rather than the risk-free rate variant .
13 As a site for negotiation between divided interests , the state aims to secure support for the long-term survival of Japan 's capitalist society by , among other things , absorbing the legitimacy of the elected government into the process of constructing the national interest .
14 That 's why the name has been changed , and it does mean support for the miners .
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