Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] [art] only [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Air raids were not the only hazard to which central Baghdad was exposed .
2 Benefices , however , were not the only church assets which the king exploited for his clerks .
3 They were not the only respondent of the survey who identified another clear advantage of headhunting , especially for the most senior positions : that staff who were prepared to move jobs actually prefer to be headhunted , rather than face the time-consuming task of ploughing through advertisements or the slightly demoralising task of putting their names down with agencies .
4 The malaise had spread countrywide however ; Coniston and Keswick were not the only mining regions to suffer inactivity .
5 ‘ Mr Jacobsen , ’ she forced herself to speak slowly and calmly , refusing to let him know he 'd just lit a tinder within her , ‘ it may have escaped your notice that you were not the only member of the cast — come to that , you were n't the only male , either .
6 Incidents of this kind were not the only contribution to tension over this period .
7 Pensions , however , were not the only area which cried out for reform .
8 But these regions — divorced , for the most part , from the mainstream of developing Western ideas — were not the only refuge for Nazarean thought .
9 Perhaps the film caused someone in MI6 to do a little thinking as to whether drugs were not the only thing that crossed the zonal boundaries .
10 The Tehran media were not the only source of hostility to Saddam .
11 This would be of little significance if the Chronicle in question were not the only source to record some important episodes .
12 It was n't the first time Juliet had wished she were n't an only child .
13 It turned out that the U-boats were n't the only menace : one ship in the convoy struck a small iceberg .
14 ‘ Mr Jacobsen , ’ she forced herself to speak slowly and calmly , refusing to let him know he 'd just lit a tinder within her , ‘ it may have escaped your notice that you were not the only member of the cast — come to that , you were n't the only male , either .
15 I ca n't understand why he did n't know you were n't the only woman in Garry 's life . ’
16 Indeed , those of you who are of a literary bent will recall that Peter Rabbit was not an only child .
17 The point about his vulnerability over his son was not mentioned specifically ; but they learned that in fact that youth was not the only hostage , for Edward had subsequently demanded that a selection of the citizenry be yielded up also , including some mere children .
18 Dependence on the nobility was not the only constraint upon the ‘ absolute monarchy ’ .
19 It soon became clear that I was not the only moth cruising Karen 's flame .
20 The gap between stab hands and linesmen , peculiar to Edinburgh , was not the only division in the work-force with which the union had to contend .
21 It was not the only banquet taking place in Kinsai , but it was clearly the one at which the nobility of the Khanate of even the lowest degree had thought it was incumbent upon them to be seen .
22 Of course , the Bath was not the only order of Christian chivalry into which Ceauşescu had been admitted .
23 And this was not the only occasion on which he protested , in the 1920s and 1930s , at having the precepts that were formulated to meet the special conditions of 1914 taken as absolute and binding for all poetic situations at all times .
24 A case comes to hand of two children , a boy of 8 years and a 10-year-old girl , who broke into their local school and ‘ then completely wrecked the school furnishings ’ , and this was not the only instance of vandalism and arson in schools .
25 That was not the only memory they would treasure .
26 Bobby Hunt was not the only member of this circus in whom Minton inspired a very genuine devotion .
27 But failure to use the time-honoured formula was not the only difficulty ; defects of another kind could arise , where , for example , the testator had failed to make clear the content of his disposition .
28 I learned recently from an article on Craven Arms station in the Railway Journal that the Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway , authorised by Parliament on the 3rd August 1846 , was not the only scheme to link these towns .
29 This was not the only blow to the club .
30 From this letter it is clear that Smart was not the only person asked to write on Leapor .
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