Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] a simple [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Some development economists , hitting at the liberal dogmatism of the Bank and the Fund , were arguing in the late 1980s that the choice was not a simple either- or choice between Import Substitution or Export promotion .
2 In other words , the ‘ tribalism ’ of many Libyans was not a simple survival , an inability to adapt , to change , but was a self-conscious contestation of a government and its works .
3 ‘ That was not a simple case of a husband obtaining a document from his wife ; it was also a case where the document had been obtained by a trustee from his cestui que trust by means of pressure and the concealment of material facts …
4 But while it 's true that Woolf 's disapproval of the film 's distinctive angles and extreme lighting contrasts does betray a degree of conservatism and , in his later campaign against The Man who Knew Too Much ( 1934 ) , he was clearly the enemy of anything even moderately original , Woolf was not a simple philistine .
5 As we have seen in previous items in this series , in the early days , photography was not a simple matter away from the studio .
6 Thus for many students , choosing science was not a simple matter of inclination or ability : many felt happy and at ease with both areas .
7 As we have seen in previous items in this series , in the early days , photography was not a simple matter away from the studio .
8 It was not a simple matter of carrying out fieldwork , thinking about the results , publishing them , and waiting for peer review to ensure the next research grant .
9 This was not a simple task , for it was not just a question of choosing one approach in preference to another , but of defining the nature of the object to be studied .
10 Surely it was n't a simple distrust of herself ?
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