Example sentences of "[was/were] [not/n't] speak [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I heard on good authority that Albert Reynolds sent an emissary to the north to make sure it was understood that Spring was not speaking for the government .
2 But I received another note from Mellowes ; it said I was not to leave the office ; I was not to answer the phone ; above all I was not to speak to the press .
3 Whether or not , as Heath reported , the Vietnamese were turning increasingly to the US for advice and assistance in a situation where the Governor of Annam was n't speaking to the Prime Minister — who was being kept on .
4 She was n't speaking to the men who were sitting with her ; she sat completely still , with a pale glass of something — ; Vichy water ? — untouched in front of her .
5 Well I er er we I was n't speaking about the , the evidence today , I 'm speaking about evidences that have been taken in the past , where we had even trustees before the committee .
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