Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] set [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He got the pleasure of farming , and the losses were merely set off against er
2 The Moroccan restaurants that I tried were obviously set up for tourists .
3 The basic aims were already set out in the original Treaty of Rome ( 1957 ) establishing the European Economic Community .
4 Such relative positions were clearly set out for me in chains of metaphoric relevance , with ‘ real polises ’ largely symbolized by the use of the body and its social and physical space .
5 Stones were also set up along the Great North Road in 1708 , but the first true milestone to be set up in Britain since Roman times was that at Trumpington , just outside Cambridge , in 1727 , where it is still to be seen .
6 They were also set up as a way of avoiding off-site referral .
7 The bronzes were later set up in the Porticus Metelli , the first secular building in Rome specifically intended for the display of booty .
8 Communication channels were immediately set up between the site , Melbourne , Port Moresby and London .
9 Christian roadblocks were therefore set up at the eastern end of the Ring motorway and the first 40 Muslim men to arrive at the Christian checkpoint , some of them travelling with their wives and children in their family cars to homes in east Beirut , were taken beneath the overpass and had their throats cut .
10 A Fish Association was duly set up under the chairmanship of the Duke of Kent .
11 The judicial commission of inquiry , announced by the Prime Minister , Vere Bird Sr , on April 25 , was duly set up under the chairmanship of a British QC , Louis Blom-Cooper .
12 The product was discreetly set out towards the back with the label half turned away .
13 After US obstruction , a Committee of the Board of Governors of the IMF was eventually set up for this purpose late in 1972 .
14 Interest in the subject having thus been aroused among learned men in western Asia , a scientific institute was eventually set up in Baghdad after the Muslim conquest of much of that region .
15 ‘ It was all set up for us on Tuesday night , yet we went out to their only effort on goal .
16 That was all set out in the recent Security Council resolution to which I referred in my reply and for which we voted .
17 But the Swiss Confederation of all 23 cantons was only set up in 1848 .
18 The National Curriculum English Working Group was formally set up on 29 April 1988 by the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales to advise on attainment targets , programmes of study and associated assessment arrangements for English in the National Curriculum for the period of compulsory schooling .
19 In 1969 a new unit was formally set up in Edinburgh to study the geology of the continental shelf around Scotland .
20 The group was hardly set back at all by the major extinction at the end of the Cretaceous , and has never been more varied than it is today .
21 This hillside defence system was probably set up by the Votadini , a tribe whose continual harassment by the neighbouring Selgovae led it to seek alliance with Rome at a very early stage .
22 The test was carefully set up in front of her .
23 A Parliamentary and Local Government Advisory Committee was also set up with a brief to ‘ consider and recommend to the General Committee what , in their opinion , is necessary for the purpose of effectively carrying into effect the resolution passed at the Swansea Congress ’ .
24 Yesterday , an appeal was also set up for adults and children 's clothes and shoes , which should be taken to the council headquarters at Bodlondeb , Conwy .
25 Does the Prime Minister recall that the cause of reconciliation in Northern Ireland was tragically set back in the aftermath of the 1974 election ?
26 Because the trust was originally set up for the purposes of mitigating inheritance tax the trust may come within the provisions of ss739 and 740 with the exemption mentioned in s741 not being available .
27 It was originally set up by Churchill , who wanted better statistics to manage the war economy .
28 The campaign , which aims to raise £500,000 , was originally set up in memory of a seven-year-old Kent boy who dies in 1979 .
29 Between 1873 and 1878 , for example , the hesitant growth of American trade unionism was dramatically set back by a 5-year economic depression .
30 The exception was the Geological Society , whose meeting room was even set out like the House of Commons for debate rather than in rows for a lecture .
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