Example sentences of "[was/were] [adj] [prep] the beginning " in BNC.

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1 Oh I think there 's no doubt about that and also their their their wages were low in the beginning you know and and their their their hard work that they 've put into it for the last you know I mean it had it I mean David Price says at the best of times is not easy to run a quarry you know you know and they they ha all work in a quarry so it had to be a cooperation and you know the management said you come up with us and and they were n't complaining actually about the wages it was quite good wages for .
2 Moreover , the high estimates of press influence on international relations which were widespread by the beginning of the twentieth century , and which have been repeated by some historians , were much exaggerated .
3 Opportunities for the integration of students were present from the beginning .
4 She wanted to say that he 'd feel all right when a little time had passed , just like you did at school when you were homesick at the beginning of term .
5 These unfavourable contrasts were commonplace at the beginning of the decade and were at the heart of the centrist critique of two-party politics as then played .
6 I think Lazlo introduced this , to us , very refreshing sort of sound that he wanted to achieve and we were able at the beginning to quite take people by surprise with this what was described as a young , fresh sound , and we did quite a number of recordings .
7 The CNAA 's developmental policies focussed , as intended , on the range of subjects which colleges proposed to offer , and on the questions of quality with which the Council and its committees were concerned from the beginning .
8 We were adamant from the beginning that we could n't retain the breadth of the remit if we did n't have some security of income.1 That we would enable us to resist the temptation , either from shareholders or advertisers , to turn the channel into a sort of a yuppie channel .
9 It is also interesting to note that even though the fertility rate of female textile workers was low from the beginning of the period , this was not the case in Preston , probably because the women weavers tended to be married to general labourers rather than to fellow textile workers , again suggesting that it was the occupational status and attitudes of the husband that were more important .
10 It was his first London teaching job and he was working in the Humanities department : ‘ It was right in the beginning I suppose and there was about two months before I actually started . ’
11 By placing experimental cuckoo eggs in the nests of warblers throughout the summer breeding season , the biologists established that egg rejection rates changed during the breeding season : the rejection of the cuckoo eggs was high at the beginning and end of the season , and low in the middle .
12 The word Resident normally implied , at least officially , a preponderance of diplomatic over administrative duties , but it was clear from the beginning that a Lugardian Resident was expected to take on a large number of purely administrative tasks .
13 It was clear from the beginning that the government was going to remain firm on the question of tenure , but a concerted campaign secured two concessions : the clause relating to the dismissal of senior staff was withdrawn and a statement guaranteeing academic freedom was written into the Bill .
14 When the house was empty at the beginning of the century following the owner 's death , some village children crept into the orchard and began to collect apples .
15 Certainly he was convinced from the beginning that a solution could only come through Algerian self-determination and the democratically expressed will of the French people .
16 He was convinced from the beginning that Ken was perfect for the role of the slightly dotty but romantic detective in the white raincoat , a man who existed on a diet of macaroons he produced from out of a black Gladstone bag .
17 All too frequently Nizan 's highly publicised resignation from the PCF in September 1939 is interpreted by contemporary liberal critics imbued with a visceral hostility to communism as the visible sign that his allegiance to the party was flawed from the beginning .
18 Baxter 's influential friends had secured for him four of the ablest barristers in the land , but it was obvious from the beginning of the trial that Jeffries had already decided what the verdict would be .
19 It was in this context that Lord Denning in Dunford and Elliott v Firth Brown [ 1978 ] FSR 143 added a gloss to the analysis of Megarry V-C in Coco v Clark ( AN ) ( Engineers ) Ltd when he said that if the stipulation of confidence was unreasonable at the time of making it ; or if it was reasonable at the beginning , but afterwards , in the course of subsequent happenings , it becomes unreasonable that it should be enforced : then the courts will decline to enforce it .
20 Although I was brisk at the beginning about the philosophical attitudes of AI workers , I owe the reader some small sample of them , that I can refer back to later .
21 1064 was to investigate a violent death that was a matter of public concern and in circumstances where it was apparent from the beginning that an inquest would be held and a prosecution might follow .
22 Thus , in 1973 , we are no wiser than we were in 1948 : the experience of twenty-five years has shed no more light upon the question , does the death penalty deter ? than was available at the beginning — except perhaps that the neutrality of the evidence , which I have explained I find so logically impressive , has been reinforced .
23 The development of the town of Wolverton was slow in the beginning due to the reluctance of the Radcliffe Trustees to sell land .
24 Er , my friend got a house at Westerhailes Park eleven months ago and er it was alright at the beginning , then she started getting hassle , from the kids coming to her door asking for cigarettes and she did n't give them them , and they were banging on her door , tapping on her windows and everything .
25 And a lovely picture , well , it was alright at the beginning .
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