Example sentences of "[was/were] stand at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Several humans with official-looking trousers and big boots were standing at the bottom of the ramp .
2 There was nobody else except two strangers who were standing at the back of the church .
3 They were standing at the bar with their first glasses of wine in front of them .
4 About an hour later it arrived but we were standing at the bar when we had er ordered it .
5 They were standing at the desk by now and the girl was working on the bill .
6 Martha and Mrs Medlock were standing at the door , staring at Mary , their mouths half open .
7 But now they were standing at the head of a deep valley in the moor with their ears and tails down .
8 ‘ I am the Conservatives ’ Jeremy Irons , ’ he murmured as apologetically as if he were standing at the rostrum with a brand new Oscar .
9 Ten minutes later , they were standing at the window of the cutler 's shop .
10 The cows were standing at the entrance to a small byre , while the farmer poured a purple fluid from a bucket into their wounds .
11 perhaps , he thought as he followed Maisie down the front path , it was that he knew them only as fathers , as people whose primary function was to stand at the edge of swimming pools , dank gymnasia or football fields , their collective manhoods bruised by nurture , blurring with age and helpless love .
12 ‘ He was standing at the bar , having a drink , when he suddenly collapsed . ’
13 Moonlight was pouring over the valley , black and silver , and presently Lugh was standing at the edge of the forest , looking down into the shallow dip that sheltered the great Manor of Tara .
14 He was standing at the edge of the water , looking into the turgid grey-brown eddies that poured down towards Breidden with such force and in so absolute a silence .
15 Gilbert Forbes , still in his butler 's costume but without the tail coat and his toupee , was standing at the back of the group , his bald head pallid above his painted face .
16 This guy went out with Lee next day , and I was standing at the back of the 9th green when Lee 's manager came running up to me and said , ‘ Willie , you 've got to take the bag — Lee 's fired the other guy . ’
17 One of the young men , also with a machine gun , was standing at the back of the plane .
18 Here he caught sight of Aziz the janitor , who was standing at the back of the hall with his mop and bucket .
19 Then she was standing at the church gates and looking down Lyra Street ; looking , but not understanding .
20 In the break before he actually started , I was standing at the mirror brushing my hair and he came up , took the brush out of my hand — I had very long , waist-length , peroxide blonde hair in those days — and he said , ‘ What are you doing after the show ? '
21 When he opened his eyes , the taste of blood sharp in his mouth , he expected to see the assassin disappearing into the shadows of the park , but the bizarre Mr Pie was standing at the kerb looking back at him .
22 Hawkins was standing at the top where he 'd climbed from the ladder and was gazing nonplussed at the strange scarecrow on the floor .
23 So at mid-day , Doyle was standing at the top of the wide , stone steps of St Paul 's , waiting for the memorial service for a ‘ retired ’ member of MI5 to finish .
24 Outside , Green was standing at the top of the steps smoking a cigarette .
25 Then he realised who was standing at the top of the steps , and ducked behind the table a mere shaving of time before a short black dart sped across the room and thunked into the woodwork .
26 Luke Travis was standing at the top of the short flight of stone steps that led down to the garden .
27 Victoria was standing at the top of the stairs hanging on to the banister .
28 Suddenly , he was standing at the top of the staircase , apparently on his way to his bedroom .
29 As luck would have it , he was standing at the kitchen counter , his back to her , making himself a sandwich .
30 At least Dr Neil and Miss Mates were sitting ; McAllister was standing at the kitchen door , and moved sedately forward to answer the urgent bell .
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