Example sentences of "[was/were] lay out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The field at Adswood was sold , and new playing fields were laid out at the front of the School , facing the railway line .
2 By the time Richard and Murray were called to the headmaster 's study a sheaf of publications headlining the incident were laid out on the large drum table .
3 Most churches were laid out on the basis of equilateral triangles and squares , the so-called ‘ ad triangulum ’ and ‘ ad quodraturn ’ methods .
4 When David gave the all clear the paragliders were laid out on the hillside forming splashes of startling colour on the green backdrop .
5 Eliot 's presents were laid out on the table , and there was champagne and a birthday cake : when Rupert Hart-Davis lit the candles on the cake , Eliot knelt down and blew them out .
6 Once the railway company and the engineers had decreed where the station was in fact to be located , particularly the larger divisional points , 120–140 miles apart , towns were laid out on the traditional grid-plan .
7 I sometimes think that if the mutilated bodies of those who have been killed were laid out on the Floor of this Chamber the consequences of the decisions of those who sit here might be more effectively brought home to them .
8 At Chalton in Hampshire and Cowdery 's Down near Basingstoke , the buildings were more regularly laid out but not extensive enough to be called villages , while at Catholme in Staffordshire and Thirlings in Northumberland , the earlier settlements had not only been abandoned , but probably forgotten when areas of ridge and furrow were laid out over the top .
9 Indeed they often constituted the source of their communities when new villages were laid out by the railway companies beside them .
10 They were laid out in the formal style 300 years ago by James II 's gardener , Guillaume Beaumont .
11 The victims were laid out in the churches to be claimed by relatives , many , reportedly , still showing a spark of life which was ignored in the general rush to clear up .
12 The gardens were laid out in the eighteenth century by a French landscape gardener for the then owner and founder , the first Conde de Carvalhal .
13 For the last ten years or so , feminist commentators on social policy have remarked upon two particular features of the British social security system : first , that it is based on clear and consistent views about the nature of marriage and the economic and social relationship between husbands and wives ( Land and Parker , 1978 ; O'Donovan , 1979 ) ; and secondly , despite considerable changes in the position of women in society since the principles of the modern social security system were laid out in the Beveridge Report ( Beveridge , 1942 ) and consolidated in post-war legislation , the system itself and its principles have remained obstinately impervious to change ( Land , 1975 ) .
14 The formal gardens were laid out in the 18th century .
15 These high moorland stone-walled fields near Malham , West Yorkshire , were laid out in the eighteenth century .
16 The brass shop was laid out with the rough brass stores on one side , whence the castings passed to the machines , thence to the benches , and from there to the polishers , next to the platers and finally to the lacquerers at the other side of the shop , each operation in turn bringing the parts further across the shop .
17 It now leads , via sharp bends , into the town , whose broad market place was laid out at the gate of Kimbolton Castle probably around 1200 .
18 Frankie 's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he clapped eyes on the room and its contents , especially what was laid out on the table .
19 A nylon Firebird sleeping bag was laid out on the floor directly in front of the door , obviously being used as a makeshift pillow .
20 Jarvis 's train set , the one which had diverted him from his mother 's grief on the day her father hanged himself , was laid out on the floor in Lower Six , a classroom on the top floor , and Jarvis had told Jasper he could play with it whenever he liked .
21 She had spotted it when Stella was laid out on the sofa .
22 A red carpet was laid out on the runway by soldiers — they only just had it straight when the official parties arrived .
23 it was in here it was sort of like , he 'd been niggly all day , he was tired , he sort of like knocked it over with his foot , and of course it went straight over the dry nappy that was laid out on the floor ready to put under him , I said oh that nappy
24 His finger traced a narrow band of blue shading on the map which was laid out across the table .
25 The Schlosspark at Donaueschingen was laid out for the princes of Fürstenberg in the eighteenth century .
26 The royal crypt was laid out by the architect Kamil Roškot in 1928–35 .
27 In 1920 , a connecting line was built from Blundell Street to the railway siding , and the site was laid out in the form of a tramway avenue , served by a tram traverser installed in 1922 .
28 She was laid out in the mortuary .
29 So I was laid out in the back of the van on the bed and he 's driving down this field to put the tent , because it had little er bits you know where it 's marked out for you to camp , and I 'm driving around in the back saying , yes you 've , you 've just missed the fence there and you know .
30 Tartan carpet using the Cumbernauld Tartan was laid out in the Country Club and its connecting passages .
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