Example sentences of "[was/were] concerned that [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 we had er we had a candidate 's committee meeting last night , in which we were concerned that a number of the other constituencies throughout the northwest , who were not as far progressed as erm er as Greater Manchester West , and we took it upon ourselves to erm When appointing returning officers to those constituencies , to recommend to those returning officers that the people guiding Manchester Central , Merseyside East , Merseyside West , whoever they may be , contact John er for advice on how to how to run the er how to run the election .
2 Mr Coutts said the police were concerned that the hoaxer could strike again or that the hoax could lead to a spate of copy-cat calls .
3 At Cannington itself the first informal session was so full that the inquiry organizers told us afterwards they were concerned that the balcony might not be able to sustain the weight .
4 West Brom 's directors were concerned that the appearance of Gould , who was sacked as Albion 's manager in May , could provoke crowd trouble .
5 Albion 's directors were concerned that the appearance of Gould , who was sacked as Albion 's manager in May , could provoke crowd trouble .
6 Further assurances were sought , following their meeting on Oct. 10 , by the mayors of Hamburg and Bremen ( states which held stakes in MBB ) and the Minister Presidents of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony ( as interested parties ) , who were concerned that the merger could lead to a transfer of work away from MBB factories in Hamburg and Bremen to those of Daimler-Benz in southern Germany .
7 But Republicans , too , were concerned that the Administration 's now legendary caution in foreign affairs , and its unwillingness to move far from the sentiments of the opinion polls , should have been cast aside in such a cause .
8 Akashi and other UNTAC officials were concerned that the intransigence of the Khmers Rouges threatened the decisive second phase of the peace process when troops from all four factions were scheduled to assemble in cantonments and surrender their weapons .
9 Similarly in Reg. v. Wells Street Stipendiary Magistrate , Ex parte Deakin [ 1980 ] A.C. 479 , a case concerned with the law of criminal libel , both Lord Diplock and Lord Keith of Kinkel were concerned that the result to which they felt constrained to come entailed the risk of a failure to comply with our international obligations under article 10 .
10 Several DCSLs were concerned that the project design provided no mechanism for sustaining impetus once the project award had been spent .
11 They were concerned that the object might have been a hang glider who 'd got into difficulty .
12 Roderick O'Sullivan , who has carried out research for programmes such as Channel Four 's Fragile Earth , said he was concerned that a mystery disease which wiped out half the swan population at the bay last winter had re-emerged .
13 British representative John Robson was concerned that the ban might be extended to the North Sea and the Atlantic , possibly affecting British fishing plans for the future .
14 As minister of labour he was concerned that the government should not become totally identified with the Unionist Party and was determined that people in Northern Ireland should have the same standards of living as those in the rest of the United Kingdom .
15 The duke , who owns 300 acres of London 's Mayfair and Belgravia worth about £3.5 billion , said he was concerned that the Government would ‘ interfere with contracts freely entered into between two willing parties ’ .
16 was concerned that the Institute was not controlling its own destiny , and that there was conflict between various procedures .
17 Baxter was concerned that the work of conversion should be thorough .
18 One respondent specialising in the professional conduct of solicitors , ( including advocacy both of prosecution and defence at the Solicitor Disciplinary Tribunal ) , was concerned that the proposal in question 10 might ‘ restrict the meaning of an undertaking for the purpose of enforcement ’ , and might fundamentally alter the character of a solicitor 's undertaking .
19 He was concerned that the room must be left just as Durance would have wished .
20 Apparently Microsoft was concerned that the Unix camp might rally round the kernel , which he says would have been a ‘ much more powerful statement … a substantive agreement . ’
21 Apparently Microsoft was concerned that the Unix camp might rally round the kernel which it says would have been a ‘ much more powerful statement … a substantive agreement . ’
22 The Secretary of State went on to say that he was concerned that the letter from Grand Metropolitan Estates tried to imply that the orders had forced the company into the action it was taking against the tenant .
23 Murphy told The Lost Angeles Times that he had no fear of violence , but was concerned that the controversy surrounding Body Count 's ‘ Cop Killer ’ track earlier this summer could hurt ticket sales .
24 During this project the landlord of The Whip , a once notorious hostelry , was concerned that the vibration of the adjacent building operation would affect the quality of his beer .
25 The government was concerned that the administration of local services was being politically compromised by more assertive councillors .
26 Mr. Mardon was concerned that an impression might be gained from it that the Club 's origins belonged to Mr. A.R .
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