Example sentences of "[was/were] put forward for [art] " in BNC.

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1 so it meant that for some time before contingency fund development was introduced you must of had some concerns er about the accuracy of the figures you were putting forward for the publication , can , can I explain that a little more ? if after a few years a major repair needs to be carried out there was no contingency fund , it might mean sticking another two or three hundred pounds a year on the service charges , might it not , to cover a major repair
2 The idea of providing proper station buildings was not forgotten , however , in 1988 , planning began in the hope of attracting grant aid and alternative designs were put forward for a new building .
3 More than 52 buildings were put forward for the award for the imaginative redesign of old buildings .
4 In 1960 a major proposal was put forward for a British and Commonwealth programme by a consortium of Britain 's main aerospace and electronics companies — called the British Space Development Company ( BSDC ) .
5 Soon after this , his name was put forward for the Jamaican Senate and he became a member , but although he attended regularly it was not something he took to .
6 Here again I respectfully agree with the observations made by Lord Donaldson M.R. , at pp. 324–325 , and by Neill L.J. , at pp. 326–327 , when rejecting the proprietary argument , which had not been advanced before Wright J. but which had rightly to be considered when it was put forward for the first time in the Court of Appeal .
7 ‘ Miss Duncan 's name was put forward for the possible lead in Arnie Costow 's new production of All the Fond Dreams , ’ the secretary explained .
8 Janice was put forward for the competition after raising money to set up the centre .
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