Example sentences of "[is] applied to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 More recently , O'Hair and Kabrisky ( 1991 ) have presented a method for recognising whole words as single symbols , although their system is applied to the off-line recognition of printed text .
2 Defending barrister John Rogers QC , for Burgess , put forward another alternative vagal inhibition , in which pressure is applied to the vagal nerve in the neck .
3 The full supply voltage is applied to the winding and the current is rapidly boosted to slightly above rated .
4 In this test a load is applied to the two ends of a long bar of uniform cross-section and either the displacement of the ends or that of two fiducial marks on the surface of the bar observed as a function of the applied load .
5 An explanation of stress relaxation in amorphous polymers and rubbers can now be sought in the adjustment of the network of permanent and temporary ( entanglement ) junctions as strain is applied to the fixed ( boundary ) junctions .
6 Whatever explanation is applied to the post-collision convergence of the Indian and Eurasian land masses and the formation of the Tibetan Plateau , it is clear that it can not be accommodated in any simple plate tectonics model .
7 Its external appearance , ‘ of a grotesque Gothic character … and pointed Gothic arches ’ , with those sharp contrasts of light and shade recommended by the Picturesque , is applied to the standard plan of a four-square Georgian house .
8 A small amount of mixed low-viscosity resin/ hardener is applied to the first face , which is mounted on the lapped surface of the slide .
9 However if a third deduction is applied to the new replacement cost we are left with a settlement figure of $400 .
10 The paper points out that , apart from the 470,000 trainees included in the statistics , a further 500,000 jobs should be discounted if the European Commission 's formula of full-time equivalence is applied to the one million new part-time jobs .
11 In Switzerland there are very few real plains , and the term Mittelland ( in which Mittel means something like " betwixt and between " ) is applied to the great areas of pre-alpine hills and of rolling plateau country which over millenia have been settled and cultivated by the ancestors and predecessors of the Swiss , and on which have grown the great historic centres of agricultural civilisation as well as the civilisation of cities .
12 The new Wilson ball , which has been specially developed for the Olympics , features a unique new treatment , Baygard , a fabric protector which is applied to the existing Durafelt 135 outer .
13 A bead of non-setting mastic is applied to the external joints , between the aluminium and hardwood frames at head and jambs , and between timber frame and brickwork
14 The intensional pattern corresponding to ( 44 ) is that of ( 47 ) , where once more the property instantiated by the adjective is underlined : ( 47 ) The mapping of the intensional pattern onto the surface syntax of English is again very direct and very natural , being reflected solely in the order of the instantiating elements , with again adjectival form as an overt marker that the second property is applied to the initial E. What ( 47 ) suggests , however , is that the similarity of construction is not between postverbal and predicate qualifier , which has the intensional structure given in ( 48 ) , but rather between postverbal and adverbal , the intensional structure for which is repeated here as ( 49 ) : ( 48 ) ( 49 ) From the point of view of the adjectival property , ( 47 ) and ( 49 ) are essentially the same ; the adjectival property syntactically qualifies another property word , while it is applied to the entity of the noun phrase in immediate construction with the property expression of which the adjective forms part .
15 A question restricted to the junior members : what name is applied to the Welsh Narrow gauge railways for publicity purposes ?
16 At the opposite extreme a numerical approach is adopted from the outset ; numerical analysis is applied to the full Navier-Stokes and continuity equations with appropriate boundary and initial conditions .
17 The third meaning of this word ‘ love ’ is the one which is applied to the intense physical attraction between the sexes , known as falling in love , and which can be described as an intensification and beautification of the mating urge .
18 From the Persian word kelley ( head ) , it is applied to the main or " head " carpet in the traditional arrangement .
19 It should be noted that the definition of " settlement " in TA 1988 , s681(4) is applied to the overseas capital gains tax regime in TCGA 1992 , s97(7) and it is clear that before a settlement can exist under that code ( which excludes s86 ) there must be an element of bounty ( IRC v Plummer 54 TC 1 ) .
20 The same approach is applied to the whole body of a three-quarter length figure , which is the culmination of the series .
21 The correction is applied to the desired track .
22 is applied to the next door table ,
23 If that question is applied to the hard track arid gets a positive answer then it is no longer enough to go for the easy choice .
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