Example sentences of "[is] necessary [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To consider genetic counselling in more detail , it is necessary to return to the main causes of mental handicap , and identify the extent to which genetic disorders are involved .
2 She maintains that it is necessary to return to the ancient sources of healing with oils .
3 It is necessary to rely on the accounts published since the embargo on absolute secrecy was lifted in 1977 , and there seems little advantage in repeating here what has been told so well already ; and , after all , this book has quite a different purpose .
4 To make the diagnosis , therefore , it is necessary to rely on the laboratory 's ability to grow the bacterium , and this culture process demands particular care and expertise .
5 There are variations in the literature used by each of the four plaintiffs and it is necessary to refer to the various brochures , application forms , conditions of employment and report forms .
6 [ His Lordship set out the indictment , ante , pp. 433F — 434A , and continued : ] It is necessary to refer to the terms of the relevant sections of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 .
7 In order to manoeuvre intelligently within this state of affairs it is necessary to refer to the overall context in which RE operates .
8 But preceding this , for the church , unprecedented unity such as is necessary to cope with the vast numbers flowing into the kingdom has been seen .
9 However he continues , it would be wrong simply to seek an account of actual practices within " critical " work : instead , it is necessary to attend to the " disjointed and episodic philosophy " which is activated in the course of ordinary teaching .
10 It is necessary to test for the integrity and the function of the constituent components of each tissue group .
11 There is no statutory definition of occupier so it is necessary to turn to the common law .
12 But as I have said earlier , I do not think this necessarily precludes a difference in the procedures which are appropriate on the one hand where it is necessary to explain to the driver his right to claim a replacement specimen taken under section 7(4) and what the exercise of that right involves and , on the other hand , where the driver is obliged , subject to any rights of objection , to provide the specimen the constable requires .
13 But , before we examine his 1970 model under stress , it is necessary to eavesdrop on the Heath style in the Cabinet Room .
14 As some of the various meetings , especially the progress meetings , are likely to be attended by all parties it is necessary to arrange for the booking of boardrooms and associated facilities as early as possible as the availability of rooms of sufficient size will be restricted .
15 Although these are noticeably different from those of the local agricultural population , the newcomer does not always feel it is necessary to adapt to the hitherto accepted mores of the village .
16 This is necessary to allow for the fact that the module relationships of a package may change by the addition of new module/packages or the removal of others , or both .
17 To allow staff appointments to be made in good time for work to be undertaken for Council Tax it is necessary to go to the Finance Committee on 16 September 1992 with a staff structure , some of which is still subject to review , for example the Control Sections .
18 If he is a lawful visitor it is necessary to go to the 1957 Act .
19 In particular , it is necessary to go beyond the examples of close relationships to political parties to consider whether the positions some groups enjoy in relation to the political system owe nothing to particular party allegiances .
20 If this is correct , it may be asked why it is necessary to deal with the established , nominate torts at all , to which one can only respond that until the limits of the general tort are clearly established plaintiffs are likely to rely upon as many causes of action as they can , even though from our point of view it is untidy to have two or more torts rather than one .
21 On the other hand , it is necessary to appreciate in the US , for example , those instances where State law has been applied and those where Federal law has exerted a formative influence .
22 ‘ Such an antiquity , ’ he wrote , ‘ is necessary to account for the number of animal forms it possesses , which show no relation to those of India or Australia . ’
23 This idea is necessary to account for the censorship of dream material .
24 To progress beyond such a static application of systems it is necessary to focus upon the dynamics of the system and in the preceding few pages a number of instances have been cited where physical geographers have already advocated placing emphasis upon the function of the system .
25 This supervision may appear somewhat unpleasant but it is necessary to break into the compulsive dependence upon enforced vomiting in the same way as the physical detoxification process breaks into alcohol or drug dependence .
26 It is necessary to cut through the confusion and to attack the mess of local government finance which is the legacy of the past few years of Conservative rule .
27 Rather it is necessary to look at the people involved — the professionals — and understand how they relate both to their clients and to the organisations in which they work , for it is these structures that powerfully condition the primary relationships .
28 In order to fully comprehend the nature of the relationship between these sectors of the economy , it is necessary to look at the empirical material .
29 They believe that it is necessary to look at the parents individually .
30 To illustrate further the significance of the Rasakumbha , it is necessary to look at the traditional teachings surrounding the Sanskrit words ‘ Rasa ’ and ‘ Kumbha ’ .
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