Example sentences of "[is] a [adv] held [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THERE 'S a generally held view that it 's almost always females who are victims of sexual abuse .
2 My view is and it 's a widely held view within the association and , and the informed clubs is that if we let that situation go on and do nothing about it we will have a decreasing er number of people going and number of people going sailing .
3 On the other hand , there is a firmly held view on Capitol Hill that America can not take unilateral action in a European theatre .
4 The skinhead style , for all its apparent knuckleheadedness , is a consciously held pose , a deliberate turning back to earlier , more certain times when men were men and girls stuck by their blokes through thick and thin , a time when an observer could tell an individual 's social status by merely glancing down at the footwear or at the way a person walked .
5 As it made the historic journey from being a charity team for Irish immigrants in Glasgow 's East End in 1888 to being a European Cup winning team in 1967 , there is a widely held myth that the club resents spending money and keeps its funds in the infamous biscuit tin , a closely guarded money chest under the Parkhead bed .
6 It was argued above that it is unacceptable to claim that the mandatory penalty for murder supplies the raison d'être for the qualified defence of provocation : the label ‘ murder ’ should be reserved for the most heinous of killings , and there is a widely held belief that provoked killings are not in this group .
7 While no one would deny the existence of horrendous acts of violence and criminality in earlier times , it is a widely held belief that western , advanced societies are becoming more and more criminal .
8 It is a widely held prejudice that the closest boxing gets to Art is that the guy who holds the towels at ringside might just be called that .
9 There is a widely held untruth that as long as you do n't copy more than eight bars , you are in the clear .
10 It was a severe test for him , for it is a widely held view that his talents as a party manager are not matched by his capabilities as a potential Prime Minister .
11 There is a widely held view among many business experts that selling off a business to a management buy-out team is the easy way out and is not in the best interests of a company 's shareholders .
12 There is a widely held view that beauty and harmony are a lie , presenting a bourgeois vision of nature and society as fundamentally balanced and ordered .
13 There is a widely held view in Leicestershire , Derbyshire , Nottinghamshire and the east midlands in general that British Rail is riding rough shod over many thousands of people and their elected representatives merely by failing to take the opportunities available .
14 It is a generally held view that contributing to a good pension scheme is the best method of saving .
15 It is a generally held perception that formal assessment has hindered and distorted work in the secondary classroom through laying too much emphasis on what is easily examinable , regardless of its relevance as musical experience .
16 BSDI , which the USL suit suggests is in collusion with CSRG , declines to publicly identify any of its founders or investors declaring such information ‘ proprietary ’ on the basis that BSDI is a closely held company .
17 It is a commonly held fallacy that the caper is the pickled seed of the nasturtium plant , although it is easy to see how this theory may have developed , as they are very similar in shape and are from a spreading plant of a very similar habit .
18 There is a commonly held fallacy that taking control of your life in any way , be it in terms of changed food intake , exercise , or anything else , means that you have to be extra-strict and rigid in your approach .
19 There is a commonly held belief in the horse world that a good big 'un will always beat a good little 'un .
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