Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] killed [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 They were both killed in a car crash when I was sixteen . ’
2 A few years ago , a young woman was brutally killed by a notorious murderer who was later brought to justice .
3 For he was not killed in a car accident .
4 ‘ She was probably killed by a blow on the head , Minister .
5 He and his men had killed three Germans in this house when he burst into a back room and was probably killed by a fourth German hiding there , although he may have been hit from across the street .
6 I agree that he was probably killed by a single blow and that wooden mallet on the table seems the likely weapon .
7 Bartholomew was later killed on a ship taken in the Middle Sea by Moorish pirates . ’
8 Her love for him was intense and her sense of loss was as great when he was tragically killed in a crash on the way to visit her in New York a matter of months after winning the world middleweight title ; Piaf had persuaded him to make the trip .
9 The 1963 BM exhibition of the prints , and Harris 's definitive catalogue Goya : Engravings and Lithographs ( published 1964 ) , were the culmination of his career ; he was tragically killed in a car accident on the eve of the book 's publication .
10 In the following spring he was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident .
11 An appeal has been launched by Priory School , Banstead , in memory of Joanne Long , who was tragically killed after a School Fun Day in May this year .
12 The jury 's unanimous verdict was that L/Cpl Edwards was unlawfully killed by a person unknown .
13 In 1975 when Jock Stein was almost killed in a car crash , he lay in a Dumfries hospital dangerously close to death with a fractured skull .
14 Goda , a Devonshire thegn , was evidently killed in a fierce battle resisting the latter attack , and 991 saw the defeat of an army under Ealdorman Brihtnoth of Essex at Maldon , and the first known payment of tribute — £10,000 .
15 But their partnership ended one sad day in 1968 , when Clark was inexplicably killed in a Formula Two race at Hockenheim .
16 You can now stride out purposefully along the edge path , across Ashway Rocks ; past the blackened cross in memory of James Platt , MP for Oldham , who was accidentally killed during a grouse shoot last century ; above the mighty Dove Stone Rocks , eventually contouring along the moorland lip high above Chew Brook , which tumbles down one of the deepest and most dramatic valleys in the area .
17 All of the staff who served in the armed forces survived and returned to the Survey , but Clough was accidentally killed by a train while working in a railway cutting in 1916 .
18 To name but a few : Archbishop Romero , gunned down by right-wing death squads while saying Mass in the Cathedral of San Salvador ; Father Ed de la Torre Filipino priest , poet and political activist , who spent nine years in prison under the Marcos regime ; and numerous priests and pastors working in Nicaragua , one of whom was recently killed by a Contra-laid mine .
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