Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] increasingly [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A further consideration was that it would increase their own bargaining power since wage settlements made under the previously more decentralised system were proving increasingly expensive for employers .
2 By 1989 many fusion scientists in the USA were becoming increasingly nervous about their future .
3 They were becoming increasingly uneasy about the dictatorial stance of the Pankhursts and their attempts to expand suffragism into a more general sex war .
4 In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , when noble families all over Europe were becoming increasingly art-conscious in the wake of the Renaissance and anxious to fill their mansions and palaces with pieces of classical statuary and other antiquities , the remains of Pompeii were ravaged haphazardly , with innumerable random pits being dug in the hope of turning up items of value , particularly small carved figures , vases and pieces of jewellery .
5 The ‘ socialization ’ in school and in the Nazi youth movement — eleven-year-olds were told on their induction in the Jungvolk that ‘ from today onwards your life belongs to the Führer ’ — kept alive the heroic image of the Führer in many young Germans even when their parents were becoming increasingly critical of Hitler .
6 For their part , trade unions mostly ignored community-based groups as irrelevant , self-appointed and ephemeral ; they seemed unaware that they were becoming increasingly remote from the people who belonged to them , especially to women ( as members , and even more so as unwaged workers ) .
7 By the 1860s in Britain , people of all sorts were becoming increasingly concerned about the ‘ residuum ’ , the body of paupers being supported by the Poor Law who not only persisted but steadily increased .
8 The authorities were becoming increasingly concerned by the unhealthy state of student activism .
9 Meanwhile it is important to remember that if the leading officials in the British Foreign Office were becoming increasingly hostile towards the USSR , Attlee was still putting the case for an accommodation as late as January 1947 .
10 ONE OF FIVE children who father , a bookie , died young , Lenny McLean grew up in one of the tougher parts of London 's East End , left school at fifteen and , as a young man , started to make a few quid in the unlicensed boxing matches which were becoming increasingly popular at the time .
11 It was difficult in the 1880s to ignore the fact that some at least of the working class were becoming increasingly active on various economic and political issues , were less acquiescent than previously and that organizations were being formed to defend and further their interests .
12 The Government and TANU , at the centre , wanted to talk directly to the people and were becoming increasingly aware of the communications gap between the centre ( the capital ) and the periphery or grass roots , given the remoteness from Dar es Salaam of so much of the country .
13 By the late nineteenth century , paleontologists were becoming increasingly aware of this phenomenon and ( in the absence of a theory of continental drift ) were postulating temporary ‘ land-bridges ’ between the continents , which were raised and lowered by geological forces , providing migration routes in some epochs and not in others .
14 Of course , it had made a bloody marvellous spectacle — not to mention £125,000 for doing absolutely nothing — but ‘ the boys ’ were growing increasingly restive at having their records , and themselves , banned .
15 Chesterton 's views were to become increasingly obsessional from the 1930s onwards ; Williamson , as The Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight was to prove , particularly in its early volumes , regained a considerable measure of detachment and objectivity in his professional vocation as a novelist after the Second World War .
16 St Paul 's was the first important example of the new ‘ auditory ’ churches which were to become increasingly common in the later seventeenth and eighteenth centuries .
17 Robert was becoming increasingly involved with his project of Lear .
18 He then served as curate at St Ignatius , Ossett and St Nicholas , Gipton , but by this time he was becoming increasingly involved in additional administrative tasks .
19 Moreover , in the aftermath of the 1905 revolution , the state order was becoming increasingly amenable to evolution along liberal-constitutional lines .
20 Johnny Rotten in particular was becoming increasingly estranged from McLaren 's view of what the group should be , and resentful of McLaren 's attempts to control them .
21 Many of the canvases produced in the later part of 1906 constitute what might be called a ‘ crisis ’ point in Picasso 's art in that he was becoming increasingly obsessed with creating figures which were heavily volumetric , indeed often almost grotesquely bulky , but which simultaneously adhered or clung to the picture plane : the effect they produce could best be described by imagining a series of pneumatic models pushed up against heavy panes of glass and pumped up with air , so that they get larger and larger whilst simultaneously flattening up against the surface in front of them .
22 The Minister of Internal Affairs was becoming increasingly sympathetic to the views of Nikolai Miliutin and saw the rescript ( which was drafted by Levshin , his deputy ) , as a means of wresting the initiative in peasant affairs from the Secret Committee .
23 It was becoming increasingly clear to the Prussians that they would have great difficulty in making their eastern possessions a financial success : the only way to make the eastern marches profitable was to exploit the poor natural resources to the limit and develop industrial capacity .
24 At that time , it was becoming increasingly clear in discussions of nuclear strategy that strong voices were in favour of NATO moving towards a commitment of no first use of nuclear weapons .
25 Similar developments were taking place in pharmaceuticals , aerospace , construction and automobiles , where it was becoming increasingly difficult for firms to maintain capability in all the technology options for the future .
26 By the 1960s , on the other hand , it was becoming increasingly difficult for those further up the social scale to avoid the consequences of industrialization any longer — even by indulging in rural retreatism .
27 Even then , however , the great majority of successful commanders were of noble origin ; and by the early eighteenth century it was becoming increasingly difficult in many countries for a commoner to acquire commissioned rank in any but the more technical branches of the service , and almost impossible for him to rise to high rank .
28 While this sort of dissatisfaction was being aired , the Manpower Services Commission , established in 1974 as an offshoot of the Department of Trade and Industry , was becoming increasingly important in the training of the young unemployed : the education service seemed more and more to be poor , mean and irrelevant when contrasted with the up-to-date and positively useful service of training .
29 I was Jean-Claude 's gateway to the future , and I sensed he was becoming increasingly conscious of the fact , and satisfied with our relationship .
30 He was becoming increasingly conscious of the existence of something at the core — in fact , a suspicion , a threat , which must at all costs be shielded from his probes .
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