Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [art] nineteenth " in BNC.

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1 Great houses did not of course cease to be built ; on the contrary , almost as many were erected in the nineteenth century as a whole as in the three centuries that preceded it put together .
2 It is n't even known where on Krakatoa the eruption was centred , but the chances are that it was Perboewetan , since the lava flows in the crater looked extremely fresh when they were examined in the nineteenth century .
3 Political citizenship rights , notably the right to vote and to stand for election , were won in the nineteenth century and the early twentieth as the Representation of the People Acts extended the franchise by stages until universal adult suffrage had been achieved .
4 The mansard roof and dormer windows were added in the nineteenth century but the predominant style of the château interior was Louis XV rococo , with traditional Picardian emphasis and additions .
5 The present psychiatric services have to work with many large old hospitals that were built during the nineteenth century as lunatic asylums .
6 For example on 31 March 1991 , Chelmsford prison had a certified normal accommodation of 244 but an actual inmate population of 403 , making nearly 13,000 prisoners were sleeping two or three to a cell ( NACRO , 1991b ) — typically in prison cells which were built in the nineteenth century and designed for a single inmate .
7 Detailed studies of the distribution of animals and plants were made throughout the nineteenth century , often employing amateurs to do the actual surveying under the leadership of a few professionals .
8 Differences in attitude to pre-marital sex in the working class itself were noted throughout the nineteenth century .
9 Some pieces , like the hydria acquired by the Second Marquess of Sligo ( lot 22 ) were known from the nineteenth century , as was the Amphiaraos stamnos ( lot 24 ) which appeared in an early drawing by Benndorf published in Berlin in 1833 , after which it disappeared , only to surface again in this collection .
10 Various global tectonic models were proposed during the nineteenth and the first part of the twentieth century , with most attention being focused on the origin of the major mountain systems of the Earth 's surface .
11 Many of the classifications that were proposed in the nineteenth century rested upon a conception of social evolution , which itself was understood in various ways and was frequently connected with the idea of progress .
12 The first true prep schools were started in the nineteenth century , in the confused wake of the great public schools .
13 Typhoid and cholera were eliminated in the nineteenth century by engineering , epidemiology , and bureaucracy .
14 The flaw in his Near Eastern policy arose not from its objectives , which were peaceable , but from the secrecy with which all foreign policies were conducted in the nineteenth century and which often prevented the Great Powers from understanding each other .
15 A number of churches here survived the Turkish occupation , but were lost in the nineteenth century when the capital of the newly independent Greece was re-organised and planned on broad lines .
16 Five Doric capitals and bases were recorded in the nineteenth century , while several re-used blocks were found in 1957 in the foundations of the northwest tower ; these blocks displayed cramp holes unrelated to the adjacent stones , and one at least was an elaborately moulded part of a plinth .
17 The author of several pamphlets , and an FRS , Bennet kept a political diary from 1806 , now lost , though extracts were published in the nineteenth century and one volume ( for 1821 ) has come to light .
18 This building was erected in the nineteenth century and was the first mill on the site .
19 The Russians were pushed back northwards to the Stanovoi mountains , where the frontier fixed in 1689 by the Treaty of Nerchinsk was recognized until the nineteenth century .
20 But a great deal of new building was also needed to accommodate the influx from the country — Ancoats itself was developed in the nineteenth century — and this could be equally substandard before it was well up .
21 This was excavated in the nineteenth century , mainly at Vulci near Florence , and belonged to the noble Guglielmi family until 1935 , when Benedetto donated half of the more than 700 artefacts to the Pope ; the other heir died without leaving his share to the Vatican .
22 The trend towards a form of social colonisation was accentuated throughout the nineteenth century by the perceived otherness of the working class , condemned , it was believed , to sexual rampancy and immorality , and often even physically different from the more leisured classes .
23 As this conception of medical activity was carried into the nineteenth century , so did the changing medical model in some way foster the quest for truth in bodies .
24 The truncated spire , echoing the spire at Porlock , was added during the nineteenth century
25 Much of the church was rebuilt in the nineteenth century and both Cracow churches have lost some of their Medieval character .
26 For the final two years of his schooling he switched to Kingston College of Further Education , where he became fascinated by British political history ( ‘ I was living in the nineteenth century , ’ he says ) .
27 The cutting edge of British art historical research was presented at the nineteenth annual Association of Art Historians ' Conference , held from 2 to 4 April at the Tate Gallery .
28 Chipley was demolished in the nineteenth century and the Sanford descendants withdrew to the smaller house adjacent , where today hangs Clarke 's portrait , and legends persist about Locke composing philosophy in the bowling green .
29 Yes , Constanza was born in the nineteenth century .
30 As in 1766 , the crown surrendered its chosen servant to the only forces it was to respect in the nineteenth century — the mob and the army officers .
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