Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [prep] [art] bad " in BNC.

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1 SCOTTISH Tories , awaiting their election counts in the early hours of Friday , were prepared for the worst .
2 So the nurses were prepared for the worst , also .
3 The praise lavished upon Henry V by his contemporaries , by no means all English , is indicative of the admiration accorded to one whose hold upon his men was such that , for a while , those parts of France under English control were freed of the worst excesses committed by soldiers .
4 ‘ Middlesbrough were going through a bad patch at the time .
5 FitzGerald discovered that his Cheltenham runners were suffering from a bad blood count after they were tested on Monday but still decided to run them .
6 Mrs McAlorum underlined the damage done to the party through the connection with the Tories , particularly in areas like Lanarkshire where voters were fighting against the worst ravages of the recession .
7 They were to stay in the worst conditions imaginable for a month , before they were all sent to a detention camp at Kedos , in the mountains of Anatolia .
8 Down in Frome they were preparing for the worst ; on 23 February 1798 a meeting of the ‘ inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood of Frome ’ took place at the George Inn .
9 Salford and Stirling were faced with the worst haemorrhages .
10 And if all that was n't reason enough to stay in bed in the morning , it proceeded to snow on our parade : Esquire 's opening festivities were blanketed by the worst storm to hit London since 1963 .
11 All knew that they would have to pass through what has been described as a maelstrom , and that they would have to rely on the seamanship of their coxswain to reach the relative safety of open water ; there would be no second chance in conditions which were described as the worst in living memory . ’
12 ‘ It had been there for years — I played there myself as a child — but it was situated in the worst possible place .
13 The human rights situation in Guatemala , a major stumbling block in the peace negotiations , was regarded as the worst in the region .
14 And I made up my mind — " Now Mary Edgar you 'll be terribly sea-sick , " so I was prepared for the worst .
15 If she was prepared for the worst then , God willing , it would n't happen .
16 Although she had never shown even the remotest sign of lameness I was looking at the worst case of hip dysplasia I had seen for some time .
17 After that has been discovered the temperance reformer may decide that the corkscrew was made for a bad purpose , and the communist may think the same about the cathedral .
18 The proponents of the radical reform of the Poor Law which was to result in the workhouse-based act of 1834 , with its hated principle of " less-eligibility " , ensured that the wage-allowance system was presented in the worst possible light .
19 The Halloween night fight at London 's Earls Court was hyped as the worst nightmare for one of the boxers .
20 This denial was particularly important , since at the time the Thatcher administration was going through a bad period in terms of popular opinion on issues such as unemployment , social services , and housing .
21 Even when they knew he was going through a bad patch they would continue to deliver dangerous back-passes to him .
22 An attitude of fatalism may be seen in typical phrases from traditional low-income black American subculture such as ‘ I 've been down so long that down do n't bother me ’ , ‘ I was born under a bad sign ’ and ‘ It 's an uphill climb to the bottom ’ .
23 Self-reported illness , sickness absence rates and a growing number of studies on specific aspects of ill-health all supported the main conclusion : the greatest burden of ill-health and disability was borne by the worst off .
24 He knew now why Aeroflot was known as the worst airline in the world .
25 Thus the scene was set for the worst disaster in the history of the British Army .
26 It was suffering from a bad wound on its hip , and it had either lost or been abandoned by its mother .
27 Stella could n't tell whether she was acting or not — she looked dreadful , as if she was suffering from the worst sort of headache , and yet she kept watching herself in the glass , turning her face this way and that , peering forward to follow the track of a tear rolling down her cheek .
28 Paul Jordan from Kidlington in Oxfordshire was suffering the first pains of a heart attack , when his GP told him the agony was caused by a bad bed .
29 In Kharkov and Poltava lack of fuel was cited as the worst problem of all .
30 Reginald Bray , a friend of Masterman 's , would remark on the same development : As Bray organised the arguments of Iris powerful Christian treatise on The Town Child ( 1907 ) around deep shades of pastoral contrast between the serenity of natural phenomena and what he regarded as the unnatural and shallow inconsistency of the irreverent city , he thought that ‘ the most remarkable effect of an urban environment is to be sought in the disappearance of the habit of self-control ’ : The riotous jingo crowds which had accompanied the Ladysmith and Mafeking celebrations during the Boer War had indeed provided one of the most visible manifestations of these perceived alterations among the British people , and observing that ‘ to ‘ Maffick ’ ’ is not really congenial to the British character' The Times ( 30 October 1900 ) had mused upon whether ‘ our national character was changing for the worse ’ .
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