Example sentences of "[is] cut [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This will pose particular problems for the Horizons Agency , because we rely very much on the weekly allowance for the people with special training needs , because their output in in terms of o output related funding is relative to the So our income is cutting for the people with the , who need the highest training staff ratio , in in order to succeed .
2 Beside this a man in blue overalls , wearing a cheap aluminium facemask , is cutting off the strip he has just laid between the joists .
3 The fabric is cut to the size of the glass , although you must be careful to ensure that the grain of the fabric runs in a straight line , otherwise it is very obvious and will distract from the finished design .
4 The novelistic of classical Hollywood cinema , that is , develops a chronotope in which time is cut to the economy of narrative causation and motivation , and space is the scene of narrative action .
5 Hair is cut to the ears and the fringe finger ruffled .
6 Wood consists of tubes with quite thin walls and when wood is cut on the side grain the tubes are very seldom accurately parallel to the surface .
7 The fact that the video sound is cut with the pictures and not independently as a separate recording also creates problems , especially when inter-cutting shots containing dialogue .
8 Structurally there is some resemblance to Daedalic clothed figures of the previous century ( Nikandre 's dedication , the Auxerre girl ) in that the composition is cut at the waist by a belt ; a more primitive concept than the unifying pattern of the naked male torso .
9 ( 3 ) Wrong : the body is cut at the knees — which often looks awkward .
10 If we take the trouble to make a permanent magnet we would like to have access to the magnetic flux so let us look at the more practical case ( Fig. 3.11(b) ) when a narrow gap is cut into the magnet .
11 However , instead of screen-printing the metal on the surface of the wafer , with Saturn cells a groove is cut into the silicon by a laser and the metal is electroplated in the groove .
12 ‘ All I want to do , ’ he said , ‘ is cut off the past . ’
13 form is cut in the lute 's neck , tone is from the bowl
14 There are several different examples of mounts in this book : one unusual mount is cut in the shape of an archway ( see p. 119 ) ; a narrow gold line has been drawn around a rectangular pink mount to complement the aperture ( see p. 85 ) ; and there is one design using four apertures in one mount ( see p. 141 ) .
15 It is worth noting that Orion , one of the most splendid of all groups , is cut by the equator , though more of its really bright stars lie in the south than in the north .
16 PEAT CUTTING Part of the magic of Scotch Whisky is owned to the mysterious qualities of peat , which is cut from the moors and carried to the distilleries .
17 In flailing the growth comes from the top and bottom becomes gappy but in coppicing the hedge is cut from the bottom which encourages growth .
18 A true ham is the whole rear leg of the pig and is cut from the carcase before it is prepared .
19 The cladding is cut from the rods before the fuel is reprocessed at British Nuclear Fuel 's Sellafield ( formerly Windscale ) works .
20 If your income is above £54.80 a week , 70 per cent of the additional amount is cut from the set payments .
21 If your income is above £54.80 a week , 70 per cent of the additional amount is cut from the set payments .
22 If your income is above £54.80 a week , 70 per cent of the additional amount is cut from the set payments .
23 Even when as we 've done here we 've got which is timber which is cut like the slices of a cake from the outer rim to the centre .
24 On December 29th Richard Gephardt , majority leader in the House , said that if the president waged war without a congressional resolution , ‘ Congress has to reach for the only tool left to it , which is to cut off the funding of the war . ’
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