Example sentences of "[is] not a matter [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We have made repeated statements on our policy to the House , and it is not a matter on which we need to take advice or instructions from the People 's Republic of China .
2 " It is not open to question that a licence-holder may lawfully carry on his business through a manager , " and " a trust deed is not a matter with which the public authorities are concerned " : per Lord M'Laren , Wylie v. Thom ( 1889 ) 16 R. ( t. ) 90 .
3 All I can say is that the giving up of bonds on unadopted roads is not a matter with which I deal daily , but I shall certainly consider the cases that the hon. Gentleman brings to my attention and see what can be done .
4 This is not a matter for the Government . ’
5 Normally this is not a matter for negotiation : whichever one the parent picks is the priority .
6 But that again , is not a matter for this court .
7 Although it is not a matter for me , I would hope and expect that Parliament would be similarly sensitive to the need to refrain from trespassing upon the province of the courts .
8 Thus , if an objective is to provide 250 new council houses , this is not a matter for the housing department alone .
9 I take my hon. Friend 's point , but I must say to him that it is not a matter for me .
10 That is not a matter for me .
11 That is not a matter for me .
12 It is not a matter for our grandchildren or even our children , but it is to be decided in a fortnight 's time .
13 Clearly , this is not a matter for the Home Secretary .
14 Something that may arise in future is not a matter for me now .
15 This may be my last utterance in the House before the next general election , but I hope to be back — although that is not a matter for me .
16 It is not a matter for a local authority , and Michael talks about employing the Money Project Officer to erm get in rent arrears and so on ; this is the job of the officers who we pay large sums of money to , it is not the job to have someone special to do it , and in any case that would be peanuts compared with his salary .
17 The fact that a deceased 's widow would have given up work to start a family but for the deceased 's death is not a matter to be taken into account so as to increase her dependency on the deceased from the date that she would have given up work ( Malone v Rowan [ 1984 ] 3 All ER 402 ) .
18 You are entitled to some help , it is not a matter into which pride should enter .
19 But Roman catholic adoption agencies , the source for the majority of children awaiting adoption , are not obliged to assign baptized Roman catholic children to such couples , and whether they do or not is not a matter of public knowledge .
20 Dropping reference is not a matter of tentative acceptance of an unlikely position , but of doctrinal insistence .
21 This is not a matter of poor teaching , for such students can be the despair of conscientious teachers .
22 Even now for a Pakistani , Indian or Bangladeshi woman waiting to join her husband in Britain it is not a matter of getting a ticket and boarding a plane .
23 It is NOT a matter of having a ‘ split personality ’ .
24 There is nothing unique about this ; men are compelled by law to do it in almost every English village , and it is not a matter of one ghost or two , but a whole rout of them — quiet chaps in cowls , roaring boys in ruffs , ladies in farthingales .
25 ‘ The difference between the PWR proposed for Hinkley C and the RBMK reactor at Chernobyl is not a matter of degree or fine detail , ’ the Board 's engineering expert Brian George asserted to the Inquiry Inspector .
26 All the people that he painted that Ehrenburg knew resembled their portraits : ‘ What is extraordinary is that Modigliani 's portraits resemble each other ; it is not a matter of an assumed style or some superficial trick of painting , but of the artist 's view of the world …
27 It is not a matter of showing that he is entitled to have authority , but that he has it , that he is in authority , with all the consequences which follow from this fact .
28 If I am right then this is not a matter of meaning , but of normative justification .
29 This time it is not a matter of rate-capping and ‘ the cuts ’ , though they no doubt played a part , but of decisions to recast teacher training .
30 That is , it is not a matter of switching them off , but of whether they should be switched on either initially or again after suitable tests have been carried out .
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