Example sentences of "[is] [adv] in [art] process " in BNC.

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1 Seeking to resist the use of the photograph as a tool of surveillance and classification of racial and sexual difference , Burman positions the body as one that is constantly in the process of production .
2 Kern 's view adds substance to anecdotal evidence from some businesses in the 10 days since the last interest rate cut — evidence that suggests the corner is finally in the process of being turned .
3 Even now , she is still in the process of recovering lost ground .
4 Hewlett-Packard does offer multiprocessing on the 9000 Series 800 servers and although it already has multiprocessing desktops up and running in the labs , the company says it is still in the process of deciding whether to bring these to market sooner or later .
5 ‘ In my opinion , there is a paradox in that the IT industry is still in the process of accelerating the technology faster than the pull of the market .
6 HP does offer multiprocessing on the 9000 series 800 servers and although it already has multiprocessing desktops up and running in the labs , the company says it is still in the process of deciding whether to bring these to market sooner or later .
7 Her home — owned on a mortgage — is still in the process of being ‘ done up ’ : some rooms gleam with newly stripped floorboards and pristine white walls , while others have barely been touched .
8 Unlike English , which is an established discipline , communications is still in the process of finding a language and an identity ; it is not yet a discipline in itself .
9 He is also in the process of looking for a joint venture production partner who would be interested in taking a 49 per cent stake in MTM .
10 He is also in the process of looking for a joint venture production partner who would be interested in taking a 49 per cent stake in MTM .
11 The Typetalk telephone system is also in the process of development .
12 The SES is also in the process of converting to scripless trading to maximise efficiency and help prevent fraud .
13 He is also in the process of clinching a major record deal .
14 Now faced with competition from a gamut of Unix-on-iAPX-86 contenders , Santa Cruz Operation Inc , which is also in the process of taking itself public , is reorganising its Unix system software lines into a more orderly collection of distinct desktop and server products .
15 Now faced with competition from a gamut of Unix-on-Intel contenders , Santa Cruz Operation Inc , which is also in the process of taking itself public , will this week reorganise its Unix system software lines into a more orderly collection of distinct desktop and server products .
16 Meanwhile , IXI is also in the process of setting up a European operation , which is being headed by Steven Sampson as general manager .
17 The government is also in the process of acquiring additional television trans-mitters in the coming months to expand television broadcasting to all parts of the country and , thus , meet the educational and cultural needs of the population .
18 The government is also in the process of acquiring additional television transmitters in the coming months to expand television broadcasting to all parts of the country and , thus , meet the educational and cultural needs of the population .
19 Now I suppose for most of us because of the very fact were here this morning they have been few and far between such experiences , perhaps what is more common is that we may have spent time with someone who was dying , their last few hours , their last few minutes , and if they were not unconscious I wonder what sort of conversation would be going on between us and them , what sort of things would we , would we of been saying , what would we be asking us , well in this passage that we have been reading we have just such a conversation , two men who are on the verge of death , death can only be hours away for both of them , and here they have this conversation , it was in that sense it was one of the strangest interviews any body ever had with Jesus not only is the , the account here of er a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
20 As well as political action , the CIOB is also in the process of talking to the main clearing banks .
21 Not only is the a sto , the account here of a , a death bed conversion , but the one who is saving is also in the process of dying .
22 Since the offences were first reported , Ms Pledger 's business has gone into receivership and Fitzbillies is now in the process of being refurbished under new management .
23 As well as flouting basic democratic principles in regard to Northern Ireland , Labour is now in the process of giving the Tories a free run in the province .
24 The Conservative vision is now in the process of being implemented by Kenneth Clarke .
25 And the group intends to continue expanding — it is now in the process of opening two new offices , one in the Far East , the other in South America .
26 A huge , 150 square mile , national forest is now in the process of being planted in the East Midlands .
27 Yes , I have to tell you that the Air for Southwell is now in the process of acquiring a beginning and an end .
28 Under the inspiration of the 1992 programme all this is now in the process of changing .
29 The secret lies in the dyeing technique , using a method which is now in the process of being patented .
30 Sometimes the ferret is even in the process of killing the rabbit , is hanging on by its teeth and is dragged out with the rabbit .
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