Example sentences of "[vb infin] to stay [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Police believe she will need to stay at the hospital for at least another week .
2 I do need to stay on the fairway , though . ’
3 ‘ Do we really need to stay for the rest ? ’ he asked her as they sipped coffee in the tiny foyer , ‘ I mean , it 's not like there 's any mystery about it .
4 ‘ I would like to stay with the firm , consolidate my training and use what I have learnt ’ .
5 Okay well I tell you what , look if you 'd like to stay on the line , I 'm obviously not exactly floundering but I have n't got an answer off pat
6 John Power if you 'd like to stay on the line just a moment , because I 've got another gentleman who wants to actually talk about that , it 's Les erm calling from Oxford — hello Les .
7 Nigel felt he 'd like to stay in the area , and I , who always imagined I 'd end my days in Brighton , yielded .
8 Presumably he gave Mauve an edited version of what had happened , said he could n't stay any longer at Etten , and he would like to stay in The Hague .
9 ‘ Would n't it have to stay in the station ? ’
10 ‘ I do n't have to stay in the middle of nowhere to be out of danger , ’ she retorted .
11 Not a cheery little forecast you 'll agree — but remember you do n't have to stay in the jungle to be fair game .
12 She could n't afford to stay in a boarding-house , no matter how cheap it might be , so she 'd have to stay in the cottage .
13 If I do have to stay in the cells over Christmas I 'll make sure I ruin your wedding tackle before they take me down . ’
14 Erm yeah I suppose we can do , they 'll have to stay in the outhouse though I do n't know .
15 The animals will have to stay in the Star Zoo .
16 ‘ Then you will have to stay in the cart . ’
17 If you 've never tried the strategy before this is a good way of beginning : the messenger does n't have to stay in the drama .
18 ‘ Multi-nationals like Rothmans do not have to stay in the North-East .
19 Indeed , Irish people have sought survival elsewhere , and people often left this country because they did not wish to stay in the slums of London , Birmingham or Liverpool but sought a better life in Australia or elsewhere .
20 But I mean I do n't want to stay on the sickness but it is
21 Women suddenly discovered they did n't want to stay at the kitchen sink all day ; they wanted the fulfilment that comes from work , too .
22 . I decided that I did not want to stay until the moment of his death , I wanted to remember him living … but I decided that I wanted to stay just to ensure that he was in a deep peaceful sleep , that he was n't going to suffer … and that 's what I did .
23 I do n't want to stay in the government after the elections .
24 do n't want to stay in the bedsit .
25 She wo n't just stay in the car , she wo n't want to stay in the car when she wakes up cos that 's too boring .
26 I do n't want to stay in the house and all this .
27 ‘ But then you 'll want to come back , ’ said Calatin , ‘ because it stands to reason that you wo n't want to stay in the Future — well , no one would .
28 I think that was why Uncle Hamish had been so delighted when I 'd come to stay with the family , and also — perhaps — why he was in no hurry to help effect a reconciliation between me and my father .
29 She had n't really thought he would agree to stay in the car , but it had been worth a try .
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