Example sentences of "[vb infin] to say [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So it will not do to say that the reason why the Government found it necessary to curtail debate on the Bill was that they felt that there would be massive opposition to it .
2 The G value is the same , but we would usually like to say that the 1g plant is growing faster .
3 I would also like to say that the report does mention obligations of other interested er people like er farming groups etc. , and the National Rivers Authority to er do everything possible from stopping the parasite entering the water in the first place .
4 Indeed with involuntary memory as the creative principle , one might almost dare to say that the opposition between poetry and the analytical is removed , because perhaps one of Proust 's greatest achievements as a novelist is the way in which he reveals poetry and imaginative perception as the most appropriate and authentic means by which our human experience can be both understood and recreated for ourselves and for others .
5 This may seem a minor disagreement , but if you were to question me about Panofsky , I would have to say that the disagreement was just the tip of the iceberg .
6 Certainly as far as South Yorkshire is concerned , again we would have to say that the linkage social soc socioeconomic linkage between Greater York a and South Yorkshire er is very limited .
7 One would have to say that the standard of dress on the European Tour is nowadays not too far removed from that in the States , bearing in mind that the climate on that side of the Atlantic makes it easier to look the part .
8 That does not mean to say that the Pentateuch consists of an extended piece of narrative writing in strict chronological order .
9 and the a the idea of of erm the butch woman in dungarees , as being the feminist , erm and the women that burnt her bra or whatever was a feminist of the seventies , but it does n't mean to say that the ideas are n't still there , and I still want to be treated as an equal , but I do , I do n't see that I should change the way that I dress or the way that that I want to act
10 This is a very sophisticated procedure , but only in the most metaphorical sense would we want to say that the computer has a theory of the external world .
11 What this approach makes especially clear is that while we might want to say that the meaning of ( 17 ) remains constant across different occasions of utterance , the proposition that it expresses if Joe Bloggs utters it is different from the one it picks out if Sue Bloggs utters it .
12 Neither the state nor its government is a person ; they are collections of people , and if none of these separate people has acted in any way inconsistently with his or her own principles , what sense can it make to say that the state they represent has done this ?
13 What sense does it make to say that the corporation is morally responsible to compensate victims from the corporate treasury , with the consequence that its shareholders must bear the loss ?
14 I can not venture to say whether the shake-up which we thought World War two might have given to Germany has done it .
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