Example sentences of "[vb infin] to go [adv prt] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They may need to go out in pairs which is why I think that we do need to put more money into the budget to provide this service and make sure that we 're doing it in the best possible way , erm so I mean I think that it 's very important that we 're consistent about this .
2 ‘ In particular we stress that students should try to go around in groups or with friends . ’
3 The rest would have to go off as wage-labourers to the Lowlands .
4 The Danes will not have to go along with plans for a single currency , or with plans for a common Euro-defence policy .
5 He was altogether in a parlous state : the weather was bad , there was no water in the flat ; he did not care to go out at nights and was seeing fewer people .
6 Several tunnels were completed but discovered before they could be used because the escapers were ‘ waiting for the thaw ’ or ‘ for the berries to appear on the hedgerows ’ , and sometimes individuals would fail to go through with attempts ( which others carried out ) because ‘ their boots were being mended ’ or ‘ they had sprained an ankle playing basketball ’ .
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