Example sentences of "[vb infin] himself [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After lobster in Sligo , eaten late and washed down with Macon Villages , they took the southward route to Charlestown , on the landward side of Slieve Gamph , then on to Claremorris and Tuam , because Rory said he did n't trust himself to take the coastal roads , to get too near the sea .
2 Ceauşescu could trust himself to play the liberal , but he could not be certain of Gorbachev 's real intentions .
3 ‘ Dad 'll make himself look a great idiot if he goes up there , wo n't he , Mum ?
4 Each passenger is a different face of white colonialism : the overt racist who can not bring himself to use a Black doctor to treat his sick wife ; the hypocritical racist who secretly has an affair with his Black housekeeper ; the white liberal who alternates between ’ slumming ’ it with the natives , and living with the whites , not quite willing or able to give up his white privilege .
5 Leopold 's tragedy was that of a parent whose cherished child spurns his advice in adolescent rebellion ; but , unlike , for example , Alessandro Scarlatti , another musician father with a son more brilliant than himself , Leopold could never quite bring himself to untie the emotional leashes and allow his own ‘ young eagle whose wings are grown ’ to find his own way in the world .
6 On the one hand , if the chosen index rises faster than rents , or if rents fall , the tenant may find himself paying a rent in excess of the market rent ; on the other hand , if rents rise faster than the chosen index , the landlord may find himself receiving an uneconomic return from his property .
7 Now Chancellor Norman Lamont will find himself facing a full-scale sterling crisis when he flies home from his Italian holiday next week .
8 Whatever happened , however far he was driven by forces outside his control , there was surely no way in which a man with only 67 12s. 9d. could find himself acquiring a delightful property or superior detached residence .
9 The humiliating financial dependence on his parents , a fact of life ever since he had been dismissed from Goupil 's , was being gradually shifted on to Theo , who would soon find himself shouldering the whole burden .
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