Example sentences of "[vb infin] to the sort [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do rather object to the sort of chap who farts in public and then says ‘ Better out than in . ’ ’
2 And er we thought the heavens opened when la Radio Luxembourg came on at er er Sunday even all day Sunday , when we could tune to the sort of dance music and the singing and all that sort of thing .
3 Certain value added tax cases would tend to indicate that the amount of benefit obtained by a taxpayer if the trustees allow him the use of a Ming Vase would equate to the sort of rent which they could have received if they had let the vase with appropriate adjustments being made for insurance , agreeing to house the vase , etc .
4 ‘ I think there 's something wrong with your hearing , ’ said Betty , in a hurry because speculation on this could easily lead to the sort of conversation that she did n't like .
5 He might try to take over on of Russian speaking peoples in other Republics , that could lead to the sort of situation we 're seeing in in Yugoslavia now .
6 Did you go to the sort of school where it was made easy to go into science , or did you go to the sort of school where nice girls did the arts or something quite different ?
7 Did you go to the sort of school where it was made easy to go into science , or did you go to the sort of school where nice girls did the arts or something quite different ?
8 Moreover , deterrence rests on fear and fear may lead to panic and panic to the sort of mistakes that will no longer be recoverable .
9 ‘ He wanted her to go and buy some presentable clothes she could wear to the sort of smart restaurants he was taking her to . ’
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