Example sentences of "[vb infin] the whole thing [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So more programme analysis and discussion and less argument and assertion , I think , would make the whole thing less fraught on the one side .
2 I think that would make the whole thing too bureaucratic .
3 In fact ‘ Kubla ’ was the name of their drinking- can , and the pun may strike some people as near-sacrilege ; others may consider the whole thing quite trivial .
4 I hoped that would clear the whole thing up , so it was unbelievable when the cab driver picked me out . ’
5 She could see the whole thing now , crystal-clear .
6 You can keep the whole thing very neat by using 5 cm ( 2 in ) wide cardboard strips cut to the height of the walls .
7 Any sort of jealousy would crack the whole thing apart .
8 ‘ Let's say that he should have come to me first , ’ George said in a heavy , measured tone , ‘ and let me sort the whole thing out .
9 And then backspace , I think , I 'm no I 'm not positive on that so do n't take my word for it , you 'll probably mess the whole thing up !
10 but we had one with eight so we 'd have we 'd have the whole thing there twice .
11 She is in the grip of infatuation and … the odds are that it will lead precisely nowhere ; that they — and more probably he — will call the whole thing off .
12 Let's call the whole thing off !
13 He 'll take the whole thing apart !
14 She could n't say to him , if once I let you in you 'll take the whole thing over — and me as well .
15 And from here it was but a step to suggesting that women did not take the whole thing seriously as a profession .
16 Of course , you can hand the whole thing over to a direct mail house but there may still be additional and expensive packaging to design and pay for .
17 Not only could he die , but you could inherit and hand the whole thing over to Jamie , which will ultimately make you heiress to nothing but tragedy , bankruptcy and disaster ! ’
18 You can aim the whole thing directly at your viewing audience .
19 As far as Henry was concerned they could fill the whole thing in with concrete .
20 Might as well get the whole thing over with as fast as possible .
21 Bob said he 'd have a chairman , yes , to er , pull the whole thing together .
22 erm Chairman chairpeople you need one or two chairmen chairmen so you can actually pull the whole thing together and keep the group together .
23 Let's start the whole thing again .
24 We 'd better talk the whole thing over . ’
25 ‘ Now a' we need , ’ the cop said , he smiled at Phillis , ‘ tae wrap the whole thing up is for ye tae pick him out . ’
26 If you do , on , if you 're in a negative cycle , and you do start getting positive reactions , if you 're lucky and recognise that , can they not turn the whole thing around ?
27 The thing to watch out for is getting them twisted because as the male member bangs away and does n't get in very far , it can push the whole thing inside and slip around the sides .
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