Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [art] particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although some patients do attend with a letter from their GP , many prefer to come directly to the clinic , as this saves time and possible embarrassment if they would rather that their family doctor did n't know about the particular problem .
2 Then the algorithm may opt for a particular child C on the basis of the gradient of f at N , but the gradient is misleading and in fact f ( C ) is much less then f(N) .
3 Although I realise that he can not know of a particular incident that has been drawn to my attention today , is he aware that information has been sent to deceased claimants , thus causing a great deal of distress to the families concerned ?
4 A legitimate expectation may arise when a government agency , by its words or conduct , leads a citizen reasonably to expect that it will act in a particular way .
5 There are certain other circumstances in which this problem of unduly encouraging an authority to reach a particular decision does not arise and in which a scheme of compensation might be feasible and desirable : where there is no question of a decision being re-made , notably where the time-limit for challenging an allegedly illegal decision has run out ( through no fault of the applicant ) ; or where a citizen has suffered loss by relying on a representation by a public body that it will act in a particular way , in circumstances where the law will not require the body to make good its representation because it has undertaken to act illegally ; or where a court exercises its discretion not to quash an illegal decision In such cases the problem of causation does not exist because the decision in question will not be reconsidered .
6 The nature of work in private practice varies enormously , as many firms will specialise in a particular field and others may offer a more general service .
7 Anything that makes it more likely that a child will behave in a particular way .
8 Balancing an existing roster is of primary importance to a major company , whereas some smaller independent companies can and do concentrate on a particular sound or style of music .
9 In pursuit of this goal , the grammarian will concentrate on a particular body of data and attempt to produce an exhaustive but economical set of rules which will account for all and only the acceptable sentences in his data .
10 A secondee might focus on a particular issue : for example , training , recruitment or appraisal .
11 Yes , we 've covered various subjects er more than once , er so much so that er I would be much obliged if you would er focus on a particular instance that I could then have an opportunity to recall .
12 Right , now can you think of a particular example of where that has happened fairly recently , Alison ?
13 If you would like some advice on the amount you could borrow for a particular home improvement project that you have in mind , ask your local NatWest branch , as our staff will be pleased to help you .
14 e.g : Spider notes Yet another method of making notes involves you in a " brain storming " exercise in which you allow your memory to recall any information you can associate with a particular topic or question .
15 Judging from American experience , general disclosure of APRs in line with Consumer Credit Act regulations will indeed make many more people aware of the sort of APR that they can expect with a particular type of credit .
16 It is also something you can do with the particular pupil whose book you are marking .
17 Perhaps the most obvious one is to do with dress , like how do you dress at a at a job interview , how do you dress in a particular sort of er function at work .
18 At that stage I concede happily that we may be able to predict what a clever animal will do in a particular set of circumstances .
19 Some countries have systems of self-regulation and others rely on legislation ; but , in addition to this , there is the problem of definition of ‘ market share ’ — should it refer to a particular count ? ’ or to the EC as a whole ?
20 They learn how they can help one another perform better , what each can contribute to a particular project , how they can best take advantage of one another 's experience .
21 The Governors declared their willingness to be flexible and co-operative with the Government 's ideas , but pointed out that , while the School was probably already comprehensive as regarded area and by virtue of its covering a fair cross-section of the population , it could not contribute to the particular concept ( by accepting the full range of abilities ) without destroying itself .
22 Or they must work for a particular employer ( eg a local council ) , or in a similar trade or occupation ( eg taxidrivers , the police ) .
23 Products are always tested to conform to standard specifications ( as printed in the catalogue ) , but if there are specific analytical needs , they will gladly perform custom analyses , ensuring that the product will work for a particular application .
24 Diametric offers a unique design service ; send a sketch or short description of what you would like for a particular room or purpose , and it will work out and cost the design .
25 a ) objective and approach : The objective of the research will follow from the particular requirement for information identified by the marketing function .
26 The risk , with such a broad approach , is that one might end up making generalisations that were too broad and had little power to predict with any accuracy the intonation that a speaker would use in a particular context .
27 ‘ Eventually , just from listening to albums you could tell what tunings they were using , because a lot of them were n't using a regular tuning , most of them would tune to a particular chord .
28 did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point )
29 ‘ did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point ) ’ This phrase means :
30 ‘ did neglect ( or refuse ) to stop the vehicle ( or to make the vehicle proceed in a particular line of traffic or to make the vehicle keep to a particular line of traffic or to proceed to a particular point ) ’ The proving of this phrase will depend on the circumstances of each case .
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