Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [prep] the ground " in BNC.

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1 You see I would like to see people at the end of this programme to have some idea , not just of fancy figures in the air , but of practical effects that will affect them on the ground .
2 Afterwards , when I continued to sob as children do , she would order me to stop or she would ‘ stomp me into the ground ’ .
3 There were many in the ruling party who treated the proposals with great suspicion , however , and who worked to delay and discredit them on the grounds that they would undermine the current factional structure of the LDP .
4 She had said he must marry only so as not to disappoint his mother ; but should he come to her one day and say he was about to marry someone , that would assuredly beat her into the ground .
5 Or if this is the whim of some trouble-stirring witch , you must beat her to the ground and punish her .
6 It was n't only that I could n't lift myself off the ground but that I was stuck to it in some way .
7 Pick any two young men ye fancy and by God I 'll work them into the ground , so I will ! ’
8 It is a rare book that can keep me on the ground reading when the weather is good , but that is just what this little publication did .
9 ‘ He 'll think everything on the ground floor is normal .
10 ‘ They 're all over us in the air , and we ca n't stop them on the ground .
11 It horrified her to think how foolish she had been and she could only excuse herself on the grounds that she had suffered some kind of fit .
12 Not in an evil way at all , but if you gave him half a chance he 'd hammer you into the ground and stamp on you .
13 He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders before he should butt her to the ground .
14 As for Dr Hate , poor soul , he can be sorely tried , as when immigrants demand their own schools , parliament , laws and the right to hunt and slay their critics , but he does not hate anyone on the grounds of faith or race .
15 Where they 'd steal your children if you did n't bolt them to the ground ! ’
16 But do n't drive yourself into the ground .
17 So they do n't bother having scarecrows this time of year cos they do n't see in do n't put anything in the ground !
18 Two explosions in quick succession made me throw myself to the ground .
19 May 29 , 1975 The defendant solicitors issued a third party notice against the barrister whose advice they had taken , asking that he should indemnify them on the grounds that they had acted on his advice .
20 And if we did if we were to consider that you we 'd refuse you on the grounds that it was done without permission , you 'd have a perfect legitimate right to appeal above our heads and the Department of the Environment would rule against you could rule against us as they did with Mr Crendon
21 As Clarissa might wake up and cry , it would be better if Zoe would wheel her around the grounds in her buggy , just for half an hour or so , if she did n't mind .
22 And who can deny them on the grounds of professionalism , when the five rings of the Olympic movement is in danger of becoming a three-ring circus ?
23 He was mightily pissed off with me ; perhaps he wished he had just let them shoot me on the ground .
24 Unlike the runners or the cuistots , when carrying a wounded man the unhappy musiciens/ brancardiers could not fling themselves to the ground each time a shell screamed overhead .
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