Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] [art] further [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In addition you will need to decide whether you want a type that will act as a further embellishment of your scheme or one that blends insignificantly into the background in order not to detract attention from the curtains themselves .
2 Critics of the decree expressed concern that it would affect not only the targeted black marketeers but legitimate entrepreneurs in co-operatives and small private businesses , and would act as a further deterrent to foreign investors .
3 The Blue Plaque of English Heritage , at 2 Albert Terrace , London NW1 , will act as a further reminder of the work as a pioneer .
4 It would act as a further incentive for conglomerates to enforce their Chinese Walls for fear of being sued for damages by investors , particularly other market players , who suspect the conglomerate to be trading on the basis of inside information .
5 Hence those who take a floating charge from a company which can not be proved to be solvent , and which does not survive for a further year , can not thereby obtain protection in respect to their existing debts , but only to the extent that they provide the company with new value and thus increase the assets available for other creditors .
6 If you 're willing to pay the first £100 of any claim , your premium will fall by a further 10% .
7 The problem is to identify those cases that can most benefit from a further investigation .
8 This will result in a further rise in wages .
9 ‘ This financial posture is necessary due to IBM 's weak performance in recent years , ’ it said , adding that IBM 's favourable operations and restructuring efforts should return it to profitability in 1994 , although it warns that a ‘ failure to move toward a reasonable level of profitability in 1994 ’ would result in a further downgrading .
10 That is not to say that it is enough to do deliberate actions which , in fact , obstruct ; there must be an intention that those actions should result in the further state of affairs to which I have been referring . ’
11 Before parting with the case , we should refer to a further argument mounted by Mr. Thornton .
12 West German electronic industry output will decline by a further 1% to 2% in 1993 , the chairman of the German electronic industry association , ZVEI , says ; Eberhard von Koerber said output fell a price-adjusted 4% in 1992 , with output of entertainment and information technology slumping by more than 20% .
13 Responsibility for the inspection of further education and sixth form colleges will transfer to the Further Education Funding Council under a Bill now before another place .
14 Bridgwater , who dropped two leagues in consecutive seasons , hope Taylor will return for a further season after a short trip to New Zealand in the summer .
15 They wish to create a general atmosphere of distrust of the measures we have taken and will take for the further democratisation of the country . "
16 Failure to understand the distinction between PPD skin test reactivity and active TB may serve as a further disincentive to PPD testing .
17 Mr McGillivray fears that the policy adopted by Dewar 's parent company , United Distillers , of moving close to the market-place will lead to a further reduction in bottling capacity and jobs in Scotland .
18 Any attempt to evade it for the sake of the ‘ purity of the ‘ socialist ideal ’ ’ , 'he warned , would simply lead to a further expansion of the bureaucratic apparatus and to the dictatorship of the producer .
19 This may lead to a further expansion of the money supply , as the public sector borrowing will increase banks ' deposits with the Bank of England .
20 This , in turn , may lead to a further Cost of inflation .
21 For it is easy to think of other examples where the lexical choice will lead to a further proliferation of senses .
22 The employers ' association , the National Society of Industries ( SNI ) , said that the tax would lead to a further slowing of economic demand and would deepen the recession .
23 Expansion of radio-based signalling will lead to a further cut in technical staff on the rural lines , but this is not expected to cause great discontent .
24 New business gains at both companies were achieved and together with recent price increases , should lead to a further advance in profits in 1993 .
25 This may lead to the destruction of further historic pubs which are considered redundant ; conversely , this may well lead to the further restoration and conservation of the best historic sites .
26 It may well be that the property does not have the benefit of main drainage and this will lead to the further enquiry as to arrangements for septic tank drainage , whether or not that septic tank drains onto neighbouring property and , if so , what rights are in existence for such an arrangement .
27 We shall come to the further consequences of this construction shortly .
28 The low prevalence of CD4 , CD8 , and CD16+56 antigens indicates that most of these cells may belong to a further subset of T-lymphocytes , such as the recently described population of ‘ double-negative ’ T-cells found in epidermis ; this population needs to be defined .
29 Yet the weak or anomalous We forms may point to a further truth , that Shakespeare conceives of the relationship between two friends as both united and separated .
30 When the desired entry is not on that track , these search figures become a full revolution and one-and-a-half revolutions respectively before it is clear that the record is not on the track , and the search must continue on a further track .
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