Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [art] answer to " in BNC.

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1 The individual will want to know the answer to two questions :
2 But the question that young pilots would want to know the answer to is this , erm are there aircraft anywhere in the world with which you have not made a comparison in terms of air superiority ?
3 No , it 's , the questions are , what questions do you need to know the answer to when finding if something was fairly traded ?
4 Where the plaintiff 's damage is the result of more than one cause , the but for test does not appear to provide an answer to causation problems .
5 Tolkien saw the problem of evil in books as in realities , and he told his story at least in part to dramatise that problem ; he did not however claim to know the answer to it .
6 What we will now do is go down to S O one eight and we will discover the answer to this , or we will begin to discover the answer to this .
7 Well I supposed we 'd all like to know the answer to that .
8 Hans would have had an answer to the current predicament .
9 Although it is clear that these changes were made in order to admit light to the new , deep-plan living accommodation , it is conceivable that the judicious use of ranges of standard reversible and ventilating roof windows might have provided an answer to this requirement which would have been less erosive of the original external appearance .
10 I tell you what I guarantee Karen would n't have known the answer to the next one if she had n't known me .
11 We might try to approach an answer to this question by first looking at some specific features that characterise the identifying references to different kinds of topics of discourse .
12 Hibs have found a blend in central defence elusive this season , but could have discovered the answer to their problems in Steven Tweed .
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