Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The British answer was that they would prefer to view the present difficulty in the wider context of the general European refugee situation , but that they might be prepared to consider possible subsequent entry of the Jews to Britain after their return to Germany .
2 John Millington , principal training adviser for the Engineering Industry Training Board , says employers would like to see the present system streamlined , with fewer syllabuses and more emphasis on assessing a wider range of skills .
3 They would like to see the present role of parish councils retained and enhanced .
4 Cites officials maintain that a complete ban will not work and suggest strengthening the present control system through a variety of measures : controls on worked ivory ; regulation of domestic manufacturing and retail industries ; the registration of dealers ; and greater trade analysis and monitoring .
5 It would seem to follow from this analysis that the most appropriate content to ascribe to the duty to act in the interests of the shareholders is that the directors should attempt to maximise the present value of the company .
6 Here at last was the starting point for a science that would attempt to explain the present state of the earth and its inhabitants in terms of natural processes acting over long periods of time .
7 The final paragraph should have explained that our objection to the proposal to put steps down if the path slipped due to the retaining wall collapsing was that a ) steps would be dangerous for the many elderly people who used the footpath ; b ) it would mean the council cutting into our upper bank and undermining our house garden wall and c ) the council should consider the alternative access to the path offered by our neighbour , Mr M Jones if they did not intend to preserve the present route .
8 Already some groups have been discretely visiting the cliff , but the BMC would appreciate it if some people could continue to obey the present climbing ban until new abseil stations ( the familiar two-bolts-and-a-chain ) are in place .
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