Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] carry [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He should be here , thought Taliesin again , but since he is not , since he is forever inside the Prison of Hostages , then I must carry out the quest for him .
2 I might carry on a bit tomorrow .
3 It is n't much good writing ‘ I would carry out a thorough investigation and get to the bottom of this whole business … ’
4 ‘ Tonight , you must carry out the business . ’
5 She has suffered much in the last decade but that experience has given her the inner fortitude to shoulder the emotional burden she must carry on the next stage of her life 's journey .
6 She thought of all the wretched women in the East End , and aye , in the West End too , not excluding her own maltreated self , and thought that at whatever cost she would carry out the task she had set herself — to find out how the under-privileged lived , and to strike a blow for suffering womanhood while she did so .
7 For this reason we would be grateful if you would carry out a thorough investigation of the accident with a view to preparing a suitable report to support our client 's claim in negotiation and , if necessary , at trial .
8 ‘ Then you will carry out the prince 's design ? ’
9 You will carry out the activity of research at least once on all cases .
10 What practical steps can you take to ensure that you can carry out the task you have undertaken with advantage to your parent and without damage to yourself ?
11 So if you actually want to italicize something , you want to make it bold , you le you have to select it first and then you can carry out the tha , the function .
12 We should carry out the sampling procedures and proceed with an analysis as soon as possible , so that we have an accurate baseline for future measurements .
13 Stroud grants that if we want to know how a third person can know the nature of reality , we might carry out a psychological investigation of his methods of information processing , and then compare the results of his reasoning with known facts .
14 For example , if we have 98 000 positions of storage in which to store the records , from 50 001 to 148 000 , we could carry out the following calculation : The record address is 124 790 .
15 To estimate the MPC t α 1 , it might be thought that we could carry out the following regression : where is an error term , and treat the value obtained for as an estimate of the MPC t α : 1 .
16 We shall carry on the fight for individual airlines in this complaint to the EC , ’ he said .
17 We have expanded the programme in terms of the number of centres where treatment is provided , and at the beginning of next year we shall carry out the first heart transplant operations in Scotland .
18 We will carry out a School buildings Audit alongside the regular four-yearly local school inspection , to assess the physical state of schools and equipment .
19 Following the completion of the audit [ specify ] , we will carry out a review of the company , giving particular attention to those areas which are likely to be given close scrutiny during any due diligence procedure .
20 We will carry out a free survey of your electrical installations and visually check the condition of your wiring .
21 We will carry out a full defence review but we ca n't promise where the cuts may be reversed
22 It 's much farther but there we can carry on the fight .
23 Since we are assuming that we have direct observations on , we can carry out a regression of , on exactly the same variables as those on the right-hand side of equation ( 3.3 ) .
24 Since in equation ( 6.16 ) we have relaxed the cross-equation restrictions implied by the rational expectations model ( 6.14 ) , we can carry out a likelihood ratio test of the restrictions in equation ( 6.14 ) by comparing its likelihood with that of equation ( 6.17 ) .
25 Before we can carry out a detailed examination of the organisation in order to produce a data model which will then be implemented on a database , the analysts need to gain a general appreciation of the business ( this term is interpreted broadly to include all types of organisation in the public and private sectors ) .
26 I hope , though , there are fifteen hundred families in Portslade who are doing that job , not for me but for them , so that we can carry out the important educational processes that go on within the college .
27 ‘ … we find it unfortunate that Upjohn failed to respond at all readily to requests made by the Licensing Authority as early as 1990 , that they should carry out a new post-marketing surveillance study ’ .
28 A SOCIAL worker urged a boy of 14 to steal a car so they could carry on an affair , a court heard yesterday .
29 I think it was copied from Victoria , Victoria had a lot of influence upon women obviously , she had a lot of children ; women too , women , apart from the fact there was no effective contraception , it was the duty of woman to bear a lot of children so that they could carry on the line , which was also why woman had to be very chaste and pure so that man could be sure that the son that she produced was actually his legitimate heir .
30 Some of the men had brought ropes and small axes with them so that , while they were in the forest , they could carry back a load of firewood rather than returning empty-handed if they did n't get the boar .
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