Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] have [been] told " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is no reason why I should have been told , ’ he said .
2 ‘ But I should have been told of your arrival , ’ the Baron went on .
3 You should 've been told already .
4 Straightforward conversation wife to wife , well again she must have been told that by her husband to even mention it .
5 With a planned hospital stay you will have been told to prepare for the operation as best as you can , perhaps by losing some weight , discontinuing any medication that you may be taking , or attempting to stop smoking .
6 You will have been told that 93% — or whatever — of British women are on a diet at any one time , but that , as a nation , we are still getting fatter .
7 ‘ We have lost a tremendous amount of trade over the 14 months that the construction work has been going on and we should have been told exactly what was happening , ’ he said .
8 We might have been told .
9 This point helps to explain why there do not appear to have been many actual dismissals for pilferage ( we assume that we would have been told if there had been an abnormally high incidence of these ) , but we would still have expected there to be some if pilferage has been common , particularly since store security is not under Fred 's control .
10 He says that the message from those giving evidence was that they should have been told what the situation was — that terreorist were known to be active in the region .
11 They might have been told to . ’
12 No because our training is such that there is n't the officers just would not come into that bedroom at all because there is a threat in there and I 'm dealing with that threat and unless I specifically call for another officer to come and give me a hand there is no need to come in and in fact if anybody had 've done they 'd have been told to get out because I 've got a problem there and that 's my problem .
13 They would have been told , all of them , before they left Washington that he was a friend of Harry Lawrence .
14 I 'm not actually sure that either er was mentioned erm , what they would have been told er was that there was an escaped prisoner there er who was armed and our intention was to arrest him .
15 I do n't think he may have been told about that , now he himself if he knew about that , that might be sufficient digging him over this hill
16 He should have been told .
17 He 'll have been told , for sure , that his folks are gone , and the place is let . ’
18 He felt sure he 'd have been told of it at literary do 's if she was really ill .
19 If he had consulted a Green candidate , he would have been told that even the other parties ' policies are not tough enough in theory let alone practice .
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