Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] at [art] stage " in BNC.

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1 I was at a stage where I was used to getting something like cannabis or whatever and , with none of that being around , I thought a bit of this wo n't do me any harm and it just took off from there .
2 I was at a stage where I was used to getting something like cannabis or whatever and with none a that being round I thought a bita this wo n't do me any harm and it just took off from there … .
3 Previous to my arrival in Sydney , I was at a stage of uncertainty as to what I did and did not believe .
4 By the time you are achieving 50 and 100-shot rallies , you are at the stage where you can develop your play .
5 While you are at the stage where the model is being slid around in contact with the ground , perhaps accompanied by the odd short hop , it is advisable to try manoeuvring the model round in turns , both left and right , and also positioning the model with its nose towards you .
6 You 're at a stage now in your career where surely you can choose whatever you want to do ?
7 Well , I think you 're at the stage now where we could get you doing your exercises , Jim .
8 Why ca n't they dip into modules because once they 've learned that they then come to us and we say right you 're at the stage where you can do the certificate in Industrial Editing sit our exam
9 ‘ Can you be at the stage door in an hour ? ’
10 We have to confess that we are at a stage of understanding where any answer must be to some extent tentative .
11 We are at the stage of trying to work with a broad brush without much understanding of the problems of detail .
12 We are at the stage where we need to know exactly where the remaining rabbits are , so that we can dig down to secure them .
13 ‘ I believe we are at the stage now where the fears and uncertainty in the community are such that no one can any longer pass by on the other side , and there is something which everybody can do to alleviate the problem . ’
14 Mr Hunter said : ‘ We are at the stage where we are owed between £20,000 and £30,000 . ’
15 Erm , that 's why we 're at the stage and have n't passed three one yet .
16 There are times when the word unbelief is used to describe the doubts of those who are definitely believers but only when they are at a stage of doubting which is rationally inexcusable and well on the way to becoming fullgrown unbelief .
17 They are at a stage when they are likely to be concerned with a variety of complex issues ; the meaning of life , the existence of God , ideologies , their emerging sexuality , their future career and life-style — too often science is seen as being purely instrumental with nothing to contribute to these debates .
18 It has been convincingly argued that the image of an advice-giving agency is crucial because it is at the stage of identification of the appropriate agency that most people are obstructed on the way to the solution of their problem .
19 And often , says Penny Mansfield , it 's not so much that he falls in love with another woman but he 's at a stage in life where he wants some diversion .
20 It was at every stage of proletarian institutions and bore all the characteristics of the British working class .
21 Wycliffe was not usually so curt with the press , but he was at a stage in the case when he wanted to be left alone to mull over what he knew and to decide what more he needed to know .
22 ‘ I think he was at a stage where he dare not sleep .
23 ‘ By the time Shaun came to Barbados , he was at the stage where he was incapable of getting his act together , ’ recalls Chris Frantz .
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