Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] round to [art] " in BNC.

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1 I had a busy day and it was after six o'clock before I got round to The Laurels .
2 I moved round to the other windows , but I could not see her in any of the rooms .
3 And turning to his colleague he said , ‘ Charley , keep an eye on these buggers while I nip round to the station . ’
4 I get round to the bottom later .
5 And stood blocking like , how I get round to the till !
6 G. and I trek round to the sampling point for the discharge to the canal for the cooling water , which is when we see the plant is closed .
7 I rush round to the health visitor if something is wrong with him .
8 I edge round to the side corridor and watch the queues for the His and Hers .
9 I go round to the three people for whom I 'm a key worker .
10 There was no answer to my knock so I went round to the side door facing the canal .
11 ‘ And as to how I found you — when you did n't answer the phone I went round to the flat .
12 Then I went round to the gate , to listen there , in an agony of apprehension .
13 The bar was full , I could see that through the saloon window and I went round to the yard at the rear .
14 I ran round to the Casualty Department , rang the bell , could n't raise anybody .
15 If only to stop me dashing round to the newsagent every day to ask if it is in yet around the time due , I shall have to take out an MKM subscription and devote more of my energies to learning how .
16 Sh and she really , and she makes me laugh when she said , talking to someone and when they start working again she turns round to the next person at the other side of her !
17 As fast as her rheumatic legs would carry her , she toddled round to the Rope Walk , to the house where Eb and Josh and Ruth had been born and brought up .
18 Instead of returning through the back entrance of the house , though , she strolled round to the front .
19 The Land Rover engine rumbled on as she walked round to the driver 's door and waited for him to look at her .
20 She walked round to the main entrance and took the lift .
21 She walked round to the back of the car .
22 Avoiding their curious glances , she walked round to the hardware section and tried to shut her ears to the whispered conversations that suddenly broke out as soon as she was out of sight .
23 Without waiting for an answer , she walked round to the boot and began to take out the luggage .
24 She walked round to the rear of the car and stood silently while he undid the boot and picked up her bag .
25 Then she swung round to the empty desk .
26 A friend 's husband was mad on vintage cars , so she trailed round to every rally with him .
27 ‘ And some time after you went round to the front of the house a woman was seen to go in . ’
28 yet when you go round to the house he 's sociable enough
29 As she went round to the back of the Post Office , she could hear Mrs Hollins and Rachel in the kitchen , giggling and chattering while they cooked their Sunday lunch .
30 As she went round to the boot she saw the furtive movement in one of Mrs Aldiss 's bedroom windows .
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