Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] round with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Why Rome ? ’ she asked when I popped round with the box of odd things to say goodbye .
2 as if you walk round with a shotgun armoured tank .
3 ‘ So why 's she going round with a Muslim ? ’ demanded Sam .
4 She looked round with a ready smile .
5 I think it was his wife anyway she went round with a pot at the end .
6 A bit later on , I saw you touring round with the army recruiting drive , giving demonstration bouts .
7 Was he alright the other day when you come round with the Lada and then he
8 There 's no excuse for that and if we 're er having as one of our major platforms of our business initiative 's quality , then er the quality must be right one hundred per cent all the time er so I was somewhat bothered that we were an an disappointed I suppose that we did n't get high ratings in the quality control reviews which were carried out , so to that end we were make make sure the next time we came round with a better score er so er we are looking at what 's called hot reviews which is looking at er an audit for example before it 's finalised by somebody completely independent of the job carrying out a technical review of the way in which tha that audit has been conducted er we are looking at it after the jobs been finished and probably in the slack season in the summer get people to actually review as if they were doing a dry quality control review of the job er prior to us getting an external review er carried out .
9 You were let out four times a day for slop-out , when they came round with the trolley and collected the plates .
10 You would n't find her going round with a dirty coat , no matter what day of the week . "
11 It 'll save her going round with the baby .
12 Did they come round with the mike ?
13 That afternoon a friend came round , Ruth and Jim , and they come round with a bottle of champagne , the best you could buy , and it was just like we 'd had a baby …
14 and so he came round with the bread and he said I 'll let you have the recipe and I thought , so I am now
15 As for the laird — ’ he looked round with a quick black glint , ‘ he can lead us by the nose . ’
16 When they had finished he ran round with a hat and allowed none of the audience to escape , saying : ‘ Gentlemen , for our art . ’
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