Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] speak [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I asked to speak to the person in charge of the station .
2 When I asked to speak for a moment with Miss Lavenza , a manservant showed me into a living-room and asked me to wait .
3 I tried to speak with the landlord but was driven off for what I seemed — a ragged , evil-smelling beggar .
4 I want to speak to the Master about him . ’
5 It was published shortly after I 'd taken part in a time and motion study during which I 'd spoken to the man with the clip-board and asked a few pertinent questions .
6 As she and one other laid their hands on me , I leant on their faith , and I began to speak in a new language words of praise to God .
7 I chose to speak for the motion rather than against , for as a matter of hard fact devolution was dead .
8 I managed to speak to the leader of the PLO .
9 It is very difficult a Sunday , but it Actually although we did n't take a vote on the bus , the few people that I did speak to a few people , and they were not terrible exited at the idea of of an outing during the week .
10 Chairman , there 's just one little point that I did speak to the Town Clerk and I think the Council should be aware of it .
11 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
12 But really I do n't think so , although I did speak to the Reading manager Ian Porterfield a few minutes ago and he does seem relaxed and so do his players , so you know I am a little worried now , now we 're getting nearer kick-off I 'm beginning to get a little more worried .
13 Earlier , I had spoken to a Uruguayan woman and her boyfriend .
14 Kylie remembered : ‘ I had to speak in a Dutch accent which I was n't very good at . ’
15 I 've spoken with the daughter on the telephone within the last couple of months , and each time our telephone conversations are exactly the same — the daughter 's at the end of her tether , she does n't know what to do .
16 I 've spoken to a good few people who are very annoyed . ’
17 I 've spoken to every one of the men and we had that constable from Burford here asking a lot of questions .
18 Nevertheless , it was unnecessary of him to say it — I 've spoken to an analyst about it and I 'll probably grow out of it , when I 'm bigger .
19 I 've spoken to the C.C. and to Howarth .
20 I 've spoken to the Big Man , ’ he says .
21 ‘ We leave as soon as I 've spoken to the Queen . ’
22 I 've spoken to the officer in command of the Enemy Aircraft Flight .
23 I quote word for word , on the question of wanting details as to why the appeal was overturned , it is not a practice of the organization to give the reasons for such decisions and I would add that I 've spoken to the National Executive Officer on this matter and he 's confirmed that we are not required to do so .
24 But I can reassure members that I 've spoken to the department , and they are committed to attempt to encourage disabled applicants for jobs and taking them on .
25 I I 've spoken to the college .
26 I 've spoken to the doctors at the hospital where he was treated , and they 've told me the whole long , miserable story .
27 ‘ Which is why I 've spoken to the captain and put him in the picture .
28 Venables , who also dismissed reports linking him with jobs in Spain , said : ‘ I 've spoken to the players and suggested they do n't get further involved they 've shown their support .
29 I 've spoken to the man 's mother and she is very relieved . ’
30 I 've spoken to the guy and he 's , said the architect was coming at lunchtime
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