Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] [art] thing " in BNC.

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1 Why on earth would I want to do a thing like that ? ’
2 If I mean to mind a thing I never mind it
3 I want to say the thing that 's happening at the moment in my difficult life that I 'd hold onto like a drowning man with a log .
4 I seemed to have a thing about people with the name 's A yeah , beginning with A
5 So it just means I got ta , do I have to take the thing in with me ?
6 It took me about a day each to write , seal , stamp and post this letter of mine , but I managed to get the thing off in the end .
7 CATHERINE Why would you want to do a thing like that ?
8 just pushing it in and and if it goes that 's it , you , you want to question every thing
9 One of the biggest problems in desktop publishing is that to archive a finished newsletter or whatever takes up an entire floppy disk for one issue — and it 's even worse if you want to squirt the thing down the wire for someone else to print out .
10 I 've managed to erm , the first time we went skiing is when we lived in the States , we went to like , er , not dry ski slopes there , but it was like false snow , that 's the same as you erm , they were really , was like eleven years ago , sort of like , technology had n't quite advanced terribly much , you know , and these bindings , you had like , metal clips on the bottom of your boots , and you had to put the thing in and clip the boot , clip the thing round on the skis , to keep your boot on the ski , right , it was n't like toe clips where you shove your foot ,
11 But , to be fair to your potential customers , who could do this themselves , if they so desired , it seems to me that you have to treat the thing as a business from the word go , and try to bring something different to the market .
12 It must have been an hour and a half at least before we managed to get the thing out of the water .
13 Yes well it 's alright They 're mad if they want to do a thing .
14 So me and him struggled to throw the thing out of the window .
15 What he means by this is that he wants to see the thing in loan committee , damn the company 's leverage , and damn the balance-of-payments problems in the Philippines , period .
16 The journey in Howard 's car forcibly reminded him of that limitation , however , as he struggled to get the thing going over thirty miles per hour .
17 How had he come to do a thing like that ?
18 I think it looks like he wanted to get the thing over and done with before the Sabbath .
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