Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [prep] the light " in BNC.

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1 Of course , this strategy had a distinct disadvantage in that each time I moved towards the light to serve the gentlemen , my advancing footsteps would echo long and loud before I reached the table , drawing attention to my impending arrival in the most ostentatious manner ; but it did have the great merit of making my person only partially visible while I remained stationary .
2 I consider in the light of the foregoing that a reference to the objectives of the Community system of quotas can not be used to justify national rules on the registration of fishing vessels , even if those rules were applicable only to vessels intended to fish for species subject to quotas .
3 I had to exercise my discretion and I decided in the light of the report from the Serjeant at Arms that 10 minutes was an adequate period .
4 I turn on the light above my seat .
5 I think in the light of future demographic changes , potential changes in government educational policy and the increasing problems of student finance , modular or credit based patterns of study are essential if degree courses and subjects are to survive in a much harsher higher education world .
6 Although a rather overlooked statistical record , I think in the light of all the fuss ( and rightly so ) made of Hadlee and Kapil Dev taking 400 wickets some praise for Ian in dismissing 500 opponents ( or to be exact 501 ) in 100 Tests is worthy of appreciation and note .
7 ‘ I adore you , your body drives me wild with desire , I live for the light in your eyes , my whole being lights up at the thought of you .
8 He is Cancerian and I 'm a Sagittarian and he describes it as him rushing towards the dark , and me rushing towards the light , and we both drag each other back , into a kind of middle earth .
9 She concentrated on the light and on breathing .
10 When you accelerated towards the light coming from the front , you met up with the humps and dips faster-they appeared to be squashed up together .
11 When you act in the light of knowledge which is in your own self-interest or in the interests of your group or class , this is not bravery but absolute necessity . ’
12 Are you prepared in the light of God 's desire for your wholeness to let go of whatever negative emotions you have towards them ?
13 She turned on the light .
14 This is unflattering in any room as the effect is harsh , but in a bedroom there is the added disadvantage that if you stand between the light and the window your silhouette will be visible on your curtains or blinds .
15 looking at him ; she blinked in the light .
16 Groaning , she reached for the light switch .
17 God help me , I hope I still do ’ — she clicked off the light — ’ where I can still find it .
18 You go toward the light , always toward the light .
19 She felt for the light switch and clicked but nothing happened .
20 She groped for the light switch , but could not find it .
21 Shrugging herself free , she snapped on the light .
22 She snapped off the light between the beds and lay listening to the night .
23 The man who was walking towards them stepped into the light of a streetlamp .
24 Let me read you those tremendous ver words from John , first John in chapter one , says if we walk in the light as he is in the light , he or your fellowship with one another , and the blood of Jesus , his son , cleanses us from all sins .
25 We ate by the light of three candles and our eyes all shone like children 's around the table .
26 We opened in the light of present economic conditions and the actions of our competitors , ’ said a spokesman .
27 We arrived by the light of the moon .
28 We have closed our ears to his cries and left him in the shadows while we walked in the light . ’
29 When they came into the light her mother saw the child 's face covered in blood and felt faint .
30 I tell you , I went up those steps faster than a scalded faggot , propelled by a barbarous diuretic terror on behalf of my exposed rear end The heavy door at the top did n't give until the fifth push , but by then I had turned , and seen the shrugging figures as they retreated into the light , and now I could hear only laughter .
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