Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] been known for " in BNC.

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1 It has been known for the hinges on a canopy to fail or for poorly designed and faulty catches to fail in flight , resulting in a lost canopy .
2 I will ask him some time what prompted his winning play but it has been known for players to forget matters like that after a week 's hard work .
3 When driving with the rear doors open , as is necessary on warm days to provide ventilation , exhaust fumes escape into the vehicle , making the journey for those in the back even more uncomfortable ; and it has been known for policemen in the back to fall out of the vehicle .
4 It has been known for some years now that records of the electricity activity of the brain during sleep — by electrodes attached to the scalp , face and neck — confirm that different types of sleep exist .
5 It has been known for centuries that music affects our state of mind and emotions , and so affects our body .
6 It has been known for a tough roadman-sprinter to control the race in these big hills , not to lose much time on the Ballon , then rejoin the leading group , dominate them on the long downhill run into Mulhouse and win the stage .
7 It has been known for a woman going into labour to suddenly perceive the connection between herself , her mother , mother 's mother , all the mothers of her line stretching back to the beginnings of time , and all the daughters that will follow after .
8 It has been known for staff to accept offers of jobs on the assumption that crêche places and hours will be organised to fit around the duties of employees .
9 This tradition happily has been continued by his successors whose duties have included presiding at the Annual General Meeting , an unpredictable , lively affair where it has been known for election to the Board to be determined by the toss of a coin !
10 Where the ranges of the tiger and the Asian lion overlap , it has been known for the two to interbreed .
11 It has been known for Goblins to get so ambitious that the entire catapult springs from its mounts and hits the Goblin splat in the face , putting paid to the whole device .
12 It has been known for many years that damage to the left hemisphere is more likely to affect language ability than damage to the right , suggesting that the left hemisphere is very important for language .
13 It has been known for a long time , and has led to the more modern practice called ‘ foliar feeding ’ , in which the purpose is not so much to correct deficiencies , but to encourage a boost in performance , yield and so on by spraying major element solutions on to the leaves in the same way .
14 It has been known for some time that eyes give out bioelectric signals — the retina has a positive charge , the cornea is negative .
15 For example , it is still commonplace in cartoons to show cavemen and dinosaurs together , despite the fact that it has been known for many years that dinosaurs were extinct long before the evolution of ‘ cavemen ’ .
16 It has been known for many years that rich clusters contain a lot of gas and dark matter , but Ponman and Bertram 's result shows that these features apply more generally .
17 It has been known for some time that the majority of fibres from the left and right eyes converge upon single cells in the visual cortex of the cat and monkey ( Hubel and Wiesel , 1967 ) .
18 It has been known for a long time that , partly due to their immense size , elephants can hear much lower sounds than we can .
19 It has been known for many years that neurons , like other cells , can be maintained alive and well under such conditions for periods of many days or even weeks , provided they are kept warm , aerated and well fed with glucose and other essential molecules .
20 Finally , they could sometimes be accused of deception and dishonesty — it has been known for reporters from The Independent to lobby the lobby .
21 It has been known for caterers to come in at 8am , turn all the ovens on and not use them for three hours . ’
22 Is not the Minister aware that it has been known for some time that four times as many women as men suffer the chronic pain that comes from the loss of movement in and the fracture of hip joints ?
23 It has been known for many years that recycling used materials helps make great savings , but it was not until recently that it was realised how much good that it could do for the environment .
24 It has been known for some time that the inactive form of ALDH2 is present in about 50% of Japanese and Chinese and is associated with high acetaldehyde concentrations , an exaggerated flush response to alcohol , and seems to protect against alcoholism .
25 It has been known for some time that versatile plastics could be made from vegetable matter but production costs have been prohibitive .
26 He says that it has been known for drugs to be smuggled in large packages .
27 It has been known for some time that the Inland Revenue has been taking a close interest in the marketing practices of livestock farmers in parts of Wales and the West Country .
28 It has been known for its medicinal properties for 2,000 years and has been used by Russian cosmonauts since the 1970s .
29 It has been known for developers to move in virtually overnight to demolish a building once they find out attempts are being made to list it .
30 It 's been known for a very long time that from these cases you can isolate this organism C diphtheria bacterium which you saw in the practical classes and has this distinctive stayed property where er certain granules can be stayed up and also the arrangement of the cells is rather reminiscent of what called Chinese lettering .
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