Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] lead [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 High welfare benefits may attract electoral support from the recipients , but the high taxes to pay for them may lead to electoral unpopularity with the wider population ; balancing the two is a difficult political act .
2 Both sides agree that these behaviours lead to much if not most of the premature mortality as well as chronic morbidity of adults today , and that a reduction in them would lead to reduced mortality and an enhanced quality of life .
3 The NUWSS on the other hand warned that though the bill deserved general support , the clauses extending police powers needed careful monitoring , ‘ lest they should lead to further harrying of the unfortunate women ’ .
4 My provisional settlement proposals were met by some criticisms that they could lead to substantial increases in council tax levels , increases as high as fifteen percent were suggested .
5 They could lead to valuable advances in the whole attitude towards the care of mentally ill people , including areas where the law can not always enter .
6 These restrictions were contrary to the wishes of the broadcasters , who feared that they would lead to monotonous and unimaginative presentation , and were condemned by most commentators , including many MPs .
7 Does he think they will lead to further unemployment and does he think they 'll have enough the effect of increasing unemployment in my part of the United Kingdom ?
8 It does not always work like that , for they can lead to real difficulties in study , and sometimes to pastoral problems .
9 Valuations are an important part of the range of services offered by MAS , especially since they can lead to further work within the department , eg handling a disposal based on a valuation provided by us .
10 They can backfire they can lead to some injustices but what they are is a signal that other methods of getting a better representation of women in parliament , in local councils has really not worked .
11 Once the day care centre is no longer suitable we may introduce the sitter service ; link in with the local day hospital or it may lead to long term care .
12 it may lead to new techniques for the prospecting of minerals .
13 If this trend is allowed to continue unchecked it may lead to more solicitors finding criminal defences unprofitable and yet another field of work will be lost to the solicitors ' branch of the profession generally .
14 This may simply mean a better understanding of historical sites , including those abroad in this age of mass foreign travel ; it may lead to active participation of an archaeological nature ; it may mean a better guide by which to judge or understand the paperback or so-called " historical novel " or the historical play on television .
15 If he was involved in competitive sports before , aiming from the start at tournaments and championships places a lot of pressure on the patient , and it may lead to bitter frustration when he can not reach his previous standards as quickly as he might hope .
16 There are obvious advantages of the information which could include better costing , better cash flow , improved customer relations , and it should lead to better decisions being made by management , but it is difficult to put a monetary value on all this .
17 It should lead to more understanding of language diversity , including multilingualism , and be closely related to pupils ' experience in their own communities , and therefore be treated with great sensitivity to pupils ' home backgrounds .
18 The second factor is important because it should lead to improved productivity of application developers , as it is no longer necessary for them to know diverse languages , environments and command sequences .
19 Well that 's it , it might lead to better things might n't it , I say it might do them good to be away from each other for a week any way , might n't it ?
20 Aside from the fact that I use this place for a specific purpose — a purpose that requires privacy , peace and quiet — it might lead to considerable misunderstandings .
21 The trouble with this , of course , was that it might lead to another doctor , one more competent than Donald , examining their evening meal .
22 It was an inconsequential remark but she hoped it might lead to some interesting revelation on Ianthe 's part , that Bishop Heber had been an ancestor or that she loved Victorian poetry , for , looking at the bookshelves , she was sure that she did .
23 To the last it raised no objection but it did point out that it might lead to long-serving drivers being made redundant whilst drivers with shorter service at other quarries were retained .
24 Interest is not just academic for it could lead to better industrial catalysts that mildly and selectively oxygenate organic compounds — normally an energy intensive process that is quite difficult to control .
25 Construction of a massive hydro-electric project on one of Tibet 's largest freshwater lakes is proceeding at speed despite fears that it could lead to ecological disaster .
26 Who knows — it could lead to other offers .
27 It would be against our interests to adopt a more protectionist and interventionist policy in aerospace , because it could lead to other countries adopting the same approach .
28 We 're following up much of the documentation that we found and hope it could lead to other things which I can not reveal .
29 We 're following up much of the documentation that we found and hope it could lead to other things which I can not reveal .
30 It could lead to many awkward questions being asked . ’
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