Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] have [been] better " in BNC.

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1 Surely I should have been better armed against the deceits of the devil .
2 I reckon I 'd have been better off with them , they do n't try to hang one on you …
3 I 'd have been better off keeping that one two .
4 Perhaps I tried too hard when I would have been better off relaxing . ’
5 ‘ No one in particular , but I thought she 'd have been better off with a chap of her own age who would have wanted her to carry on where she was .
6 I do n't know she 'd have been better off here .
7 You 'd 've been better off to have been booked in here for a good night 's sleep and then driven up the next day but then you 're virtually sort of getting up there turning round and coming back are n't you ?
8 You 'd have been better off doing your time , Jack . ’
9 You 'd have been better off staying in the hole !
10 You 'd have been better off .
11 Perhaps she would have been better off with the old humbug after all .
12 Another , after describing her loveless relationship with an unsatisfactory husband , is amazed at Jim Dixon 's remark that she would have been better off if she had n't married .
13 You would have been , you , you , you would have been better off paying your normal rates as you used to pay
14 Do you think we would have been better off if Dad had been a small-time failure .
15 In other words we would have been better off cashing the precept and keeping the money under the mattress .
16 If anything , they would have been better off contributing less prize money ( which they tried to do in 1991 but were not allowed to reduce what they had already promised ) and used it instead to go into the appearance money pool , which will still have to be funded .
17 Harold Wilson was , when he might have been better engaged in the affairs of the nation , extremely solicitous in seeing that arrangements were made for Marcia Williams , particularly in relation to her progeny .
18 Surely it could have been better spent on real conservation schemes , or even helping some of those small farmers facing bankruptcy and eviction ?
19 He 'd have been better off getting them to help him compose a Dear Marje letter .
20 Maybe after all he 'd have been better off like his Dad , quietly pushing papers round a desk in an office at the Gas Board for nine hours a day for nearly fifty years .
21 He 'd have been better off to of crawled back down there and apologise
22 Perhaps he would have been better off with a pencil !
23 He finished his beer sadly , wondered if he would have been better off , after all , among them at the club .
24 Unlike Jane , Mark did not feel that he would have been better off taking a different subject ; he had decided that he was unsuited to any kind of academic work , although most of his friends were arts students .
25 Was n't there a tiny nagging feeling on watching the re-runs of Butterflies that perhaps he would have been better off sticking to television comedy series and enjoying their rich rewards ?
26 It would have been better placed a couple of weeks later ; at least the readers would have been familiar with the mood and pace of the album .
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