Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] at the back " in BNC.

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1 Having failed dismally with a bicycle pump and an unidentified device that I found at the back of my Dad 's garden shed , I stumbled across what seemed like a promising routine and set aside the whole of Boxing Day to test it out .
2 Suddenly I heard the noise of an animal jumping through the window , and immediately I hid at the back of my box .
3 I looked at the back seat , where a folder lay .
4 ‘ No , I said at the back .
5 The next problem was how to deliver it , since I sat at the back in English ( our next lesson ) and Belinda sat at the front — which was how I knew that her hair touched her chair !
6 A lovely lady , Molly Braithwaite , came to teach , and one day as I sat at the back I felt ‘ Surely I could do a little of that gently swinging ’ , picked up a club , and was off ‘ moving with the Medau ’ .
7 When Mrs Hollidaye had finished her praying and they were leaving the church , she stopped at the back and showed Dot a book with writing in it .
8 She glanced at the back of each print , hoping for a name or a date or some other clue , but there was nothing .
9 Oh yes , but they were just things that you tied at the back and and er had a frilled round here They were bonny .
10 She looked at the back of the easel .
11 She looked at the back of Jessica 's head , tucked sideways onto Rory 's shoulder as he drove , and she smiled .
12 She had at the back of her mind the thought that some new male companion might figure in it .
13 She stayed at the back of a shop until it was time to come out cautiously and find an unoccupied phone again .
14 She turned up when Laura was married in 1984 and she stood at the back of the church because she did not want to detract from the bride 's big day .
15 She stood at the back of the dingy room , the child close by her side , and she listened to the clerk calling out the offences — soliciting was a common phrase , but once he said ‘ Procuring of men ’ — and she noticed that the Justice hardly raised his head : ‘ One pound or one month .
16 Well , we got at the back of th the erm , shop there 's we got this room and it 's got this walk-in freezer erm fridge , and
17 three lads and two ladies , and we had , we the three lads , Bill , George and me we pushed at the back , and the two ladies mother and Vi just walked .
18 As Jelka watched , the men subdued her , forcing her into a padded jacket , the over-long arms of which they fastened at the back .
19 Maybe there was a draught from the window they smashed at the back of the house .
20 It was a magic place and the fact that one day it would belong to her lay at the back of her mind like some deep buried treasure .
21 Sean and Michael were there too , but they stood at the back looking usher-smart in new suits , and keeping a professional eye on the collecting plate .
22 They sat at the back of the plane . ’
23 Possibly in one of the cheap wine-shops he frequented at the back of Ryn station .
24 And he 'd got a strip of steel about four inches the half inch and he stuck at the back of his , i it was a long seat that were a four of us sat on with iron legs and they stuck it in the wood and you 'd flip it and it i , you know how it would sto
25 He started at the back , remained there for a lap and , when the pace was turned up , was unable to get within a challenging position .
26 Then he started to cough , forced himself to control the tickle he felt at the back of his throat .
27 He looked at the back of Alexei 's head and willed him to turn round .
28 He looked at the back of his head carefully for a while before speaking again .
29 For the next twenty-six years it languished at the back of Bispham Depot , until driven under its own power to the Works in February 1960 for renovation .
30 The lights went down and he sat at the back , trying to gauge the reaction of a packed audience .
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