Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [verb] a special " in BNC.

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1 I 'd bought a special bottle of wine .
2 In the meantime , I had attended a special engine-handling course at Rolls-Royce , Derby , and we had different ideas about the engine settings .
3 As the years passed I discovered that I had developed a special school ‘ personality ’ which was a distortion of myself .
4 ‘ When I wanted to produce a special jumper to commemorate my 50th Test try , with the emblems of all the countries I 'd scored against , I was told I 'd have to pay royalties for using them .
5 Did he imagine she 'd made a special attempt to impress him ?
6 Mr Bailey told her that she had to wear a special white coat , some special shoes and a white hat .
7 We 've never been keen gardeners but last year we decided to make a special effort and bought a big selection of plants and seeds .
8 The seventy strong press and media corps were in the rear of the Prime Minister 's plane and we had arranged a special area and platform for them in the terminal .
9 You think about it , it 's never , I mean we had to have a special fire door put on cos our we go through to our garage .
10 The T'ang 's words were a harmless play on the name of the Longjing ch'a , but for Ben they seemed to hold a special meaning .
11 been one fifty nine I think , or one ninety nine , they 'd got a special price
12 People from other lineages might not know of these particular marriages , but they had similar marriages of their own , similar reminders in their own genealogies that they had made a special and enduring peace with other lineages .
13 they had to call a special engineer
14 They had to call a special engineer
15 At Darlington , so that they would not have to wait for a connection , they had hired a special train to Richmond , where they were met .
16 Not least of this chairman 's social misdemeanours was that he tried to introduce a special charge for members who missed the meeting , but who came to the pub afterwards : ‘ Imagine it : jackboots in the YCs ! ’
17 His office at the Caterham factory is covered with pictures of Seven racing cars — and one of Patrick McGoohan , whom he persuaded to endorse a special 35th anniversary Prisoner edition of the Seven this year ; his most animated conversation is reserved for descriptions of the car and its abilities , and one could almost believe that finances and company administration took a firm back seat to the development and fine tuning of the car 's design .
18 But , he did get a special price ?
19 As he had made a special point of emphasizing ; there was absolutely no room for friendship or personal favours in this business .
20 During those periods of service on overseas railways he had made a special study of existing types of articulated locomotive , such as the Fairlie , Meyer , and Mallet , and the problems involved in achieving , especially on narrow-gauge track , adequate stability , traction , and speed .
21 He had received a special trading privilege from Rudolf in 1592 and became the richest man in Prague .
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