Example sentences of "[pers pn] [coord] the whole [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This morning I spoke briefly to Terry Waite while he was on board the aircraft returning home and was able to express the delight that I and the whole country felt at his safe return and at Mr. Sutherland 's release .
2 Will the Minister join me and the whole House in paying great tribute to Aung San Suu Kyi as the most worthy recipient of the Nobel peace prize for her courageous struggle against the brutal regime in Burma ?
3 They are often already experienced in the needs of those they are looking after , and a close relationship can build up between them and the whole family .
4 ‘ Oh Tabby , ’ said Mildred , reaching up and tickling its chin , ‘ I ca n't take you or the whole school will recognize us . ’
5 Push a couple of catches , the screen lifts up , the bottom tilts away from you and the whole lot clicks into position .
6 When you 've finished , you release a single catch at the back , the screen lifts up again , the bottom tilts towards you and the whole lot folds back down over the keyboard , and reverts to a flat tablet .
7 Have n't we and the whole family done everything for you ? "
8 If this had not happened nothing could have stopped him and the whole party would have been dragged down after him .
9 Tears of reaction to him and the whole situation flooded her eyes .
10 I give him and the whole House a full assurance that in the event of the introduction of executive detention , it would be carried out by Her Majesty 's Government in line with legislation passed by this House and retained by this Government on the statute book .
11 He could have told her about the IRA kidnapping him , but that would have alarmed her and the whole household .
12 She was well aware that she purred inside like a cat if he even looked at her and the whole thing filled her with amazement .
13 We were n't a part of it and the whole affair disgusted me .
14 As you set about making your plans for next year let me leave you with this thought from Eglantine Jebb If children of any country are physically or morally abandoned the whole world loses by it and the whole world gains if children grow up healthy , capable and ready to work for the good of their neighbours .
15 In this case , the package has an additional reference attached to it and the whole article is known as a Product .
16 In this case , the package has an additional reference attached to it and the whole article is known as a Product .
17 It was also beginning to worry Coleman that while he and the whole NARCOG apparatus of government agents and informants were watching the Syrians , Syrian agents and probably many of the same informants were watching them .
18 We have this church , where Bee preach the sermons quiet , without spirit so as not to move the congregation to sing too loud or ring the bell or catch the Spirit and speak in tongues , so when Corporal Prince break into the Church one evening , he and the whole Bonasse Police Force , he finds us singing soft and low as children in a Sunday School : ‘ God moves in mysterious way His wonders to perform . ’
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