Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] hope that [det] " in BNC.

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1 I only hope that those youngsters who may believe it is cool to take substances like this will take heed of Rachel 's terribly sad case and think again .
2 I only hope that both teams will restrain themselves and will try to avoid carrying on the so-called ‘ feud ’ .
3 He added : ‘ I just hope that all the publicity will be a warning to other youngsters against doing something as foolish . ’
4 I just hope that that boy
5 The House should not be proud of that , and I sincerely hope that this will be the last all-night Consolidated Fund debate that we will have to put up with .
6 I also hope that these schemes to encourage married mothers back to work wo n't discriminate against young , single people with employers rushing to recruit mature returners .
7 This has been the most fastest growing part of the holiday taking in this country over the past two or three years and I 'm hoping it will continue and so does our industry — in other words the hotels and accommodation , the tourist attractions — all are hoping , you know , that people are going to continue to do this erm and I think this may apply to certain sectors of the community erm and we just hope that that will grow .
8 We sincerely hope that this will encourage the work of other committed Chileans in exile together with our European brothers and sisters in the struggle against fascism worldwide .
9 We also hope that those wishing to sponsor Scottish sport will find it easier to use as a directory of opportunities .
10 Since we also hope that this account may be of interest to those who do not know the area , it includes , especially at the beginning , some historical and other background information about Lewis and Harris , in the wider contexts of the Western Isles as a whole and of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland .
11 I think the reason a lot of guitarists go out and buy traditional Fender or Gibson-like designs has nothing to do with single coil versus humbuckers , vintage trem systems or control layout ; they simply hope that some of their guitar hero 's ‘ mojo magic ’ will rub off on them !
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