Example sentences of "[noun pl] deep into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Maeve dug her nails deep into the calf of his leg .
2 Miska led her hordes deep into the Empire itself , defeating two Empire armies and causing considerable destruction before an alliance of the Empire , Bretonnia and Dwarfs finally threw back the Kislev hordes .
3 Only the really savage hunter , who sinks his fangs deep into the toad 's neck at its very first contact , will suffer a major trauma or death .
4 Wandering aimlessly , she ascended towers and followed twisting galleries deep into the cliff .
5 They are highways for dead souls moving into paradise and often carry emigrants deep into the heart of a new country .
6 The Brigadier and the Captain sank their cavalry boots deep into the clay soil and began looking about .
7 Christianity bites deep into the culture of pre-industrial societies , and in 1700 life may be full of pain and suffering and hardship ( which are not good in themselves ) but these life-experiences point to the mystery of life in Christ and the reality of his suffering for the world .
8 You tie one length round Mr Azul 's upper right arm , as close to his armpit as possible , over his silk shirt ; you kneel on the bed and haul with all your might and the rope bites deep into the sheen of the pale silk shirt ; Mr Azul cries out behind his gag ; a strangled , anguished shriek .
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