Example sentences of "[noun pl] throw [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Mensheviks threw themselves into the working-class trade unions and other organizations which sprang up , seeking the fusion of the Party and the rank-and-file proletariat .
2 Doom Divers take their opportunity very seriously , practising for weeks by jumping off increasingly taller rocks , strengthening their arms by flapping their wings as they run about in circles , and getting trolls to throw them into the air .
3 The hounds threw themselves at the gate .
4 To abuse my hospitality in such a way , take advantage of my trust — never enter this house again , I will have the servants throw you in the street — ’
5 A pair of slaves threw themselves against the doors , closing them .
6 Even so , the cherry berets threw me to the ground , kicking me in the ribs as they frisked me for weapons .
7 As the armies clash the Flagellants throw themselves into the fray in a gesture of sacrifice and doom .
8 When their big friends get stuck into close combat the Snotlings throw themselves on the enemy , screaming and yelling crazily , waving their wooden clubs and biting the foes with their sharp teeth .
9 I once saw a cartoon which pictured hundreds of lemmings throwing themselves off a cliff and drowning in the water below .
10 Still others throw themselves on the mercy of God without being able to name the name of Christ because they have never been told about him .
11 Why the Romans threw themselves into the difficult business of absorbing the culture of one foreign nation just when they were involved in exhausting wars with another foreign nation , remains one of those puzzles which characterize nations in their most inscrutable and decisive hours .
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