Example sentences of "[noun pl] later [art] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Leave was refused at first instance and in the Court of Appeal , though a few months later a Practice Direction ( [ 1986 ] 2 All ER 226 ) was issued indicating the collective view of the judges that solicitors should be permitted to appear in the High Court or Court of Appeal in formal or unopposed proceedings .
2 Millions of pounds and several months later the consultancy company concluded that too many people were steering and not enough were rowing .
3 Despite denials from both parties , managing director Garry Hawkes FHCIMA withdrew his nomination for presidency of the HCIMA in order to concentrate on business , and a few months later the story circulating was that he had put together a management buyout package .
4 A few months later The Times Africa Correspondent ( W.P. Kirkman ) wrote two long centre-page articles ( 25 and 26 June 1962 ) on the new African leaders which do more than most to illuminate Nkrumah 's position .
5 It is possible that three months later the spot rate could be DM3.88–3.92 ( dollar weaker/DM stronger ) in which case the contract value will be DM38.8m ( alternatively the spot rate might be DM4.08–4.12 , therefore the contract value is DM40.8m ) .
6 Fourteen months later the £5,000 Institute opened for business with , said the D and S Times , ‘ up-to-date furnishings and electrical arrangements , not omitting the penny- in-the-slot telephone ’ .
7 Six months later the advertising agency was taken over by its successful rivals ; two months after that they were both incorporated in De Chavigny ( Advertising ) , a new company with offices in London , Paris , Zurich , Milan and New York , registered in the Balearic Islands , and with sole responsibility for the marketing of all de Chavigny products and investments , from steel to hotels and property , world-wide .
8 A few months later the Oxfordshire Education Committee responded to 10/65 by appointing me as co-ordinator for the Banbury reorganization , and commissioned me to submit plans : the noisy sewage pump had done its work .
9 A few months later the Corruption Trials began . ’
10 Some three months later An Bord Pleanala granted planning permission for the dump , subject to 18 conditions .
11 Seven days later a Sea King mark 4 went down at 49o 43 'S , 5 1o 43'W .
12 Two days later a figurehead president , Mr Johan Kraag , was sworn in with , as prime minister , Jules Wijdenbosch , leader of Mr Bouterse 's party ( which has only three seats in the 51-seat national assembly ) .
13 Six days later the TUC Congress finally called weakly for ‘ practical aid ’ to the strikers but refused to commit itself to cutting off supplies .
14 Eight days later the DTI investigation was announced .
15 Three days later the Largemouth pair spawned , over a flat slate at the back corner .
16 A few days later the emergency evacuation of civilians from Suez to within the camp 's barbed wire perimeter fence began .
17 A few days later the Sunday People followed up with a similar theme in the Voice of the People column , ending a long and forceful editorial with an impassioned plea :
18 Two days later the Education Act of 1944 received the royal assent .
19 Eppelmann and a member of the commission overseeing the dissolution of the Stasi had proposed implementing such a procedure on March 21 , but two days later the state prosecutor , supported by both de Maizière and the PDS-led caretaker government [ for formation of which see p. 37260 ] , maintained that such a step would be unconstitutional and that the new Volkskammer had to decide itself what should be done .
20 Five days later the Ulster rising went ahead under new leaders and was savagely suppressed .
21 Three days later the stock market crashed .
22 Two days later the Employment Secretary will join battle in the Social Affairs Council over the 48-hour week and workless Sunday .
23 Hall then wrote to Palmerston , on 20th March , only one week after asking for the designs , saying that he would not include Donaldson as I think it very doubtful whether the new Department will be proceeded with , as I hope the Downing Street improvement will be carried out' , and two days later The Saturday Review in an article on the competition also suggested that the War Department should be moved to the Downing Street area .
24 Two days later the Pakistan government indicated to Indian diplomats in Islamabad that it favoured " a commencement of talks on these proposals " .
25 Three days later the UN Security Council approved a resolution , without a vote , which recommended membership for both states .
26 Indeed , three days later the Fox clones began to emerge .
27 Two days later the Northern Ireland Tory party chairman Leonard Fee issued a statement saying our article was based on ‘ innuendo and unsubstantiated gossip . ’
28 Four weeks later a security officer was attacked as he was leaving a betting shop in Scotland Road with £2,000 .
29 Two weeks later the Glamorgan chairman , Tony Lewis , used his column in The Daily Telegraph to give the club 's side of the story .
30 Erm , let's cover one or two things , because about a year ago , in two articles in the local use , sorry who was it ? allowed to sell the accumulated fund from council house sales , on building new houses , and two weeks later the deputy leader of the council , argued that he needed that money invested because the council could n't exist without the interest on it .
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